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Category: On-Page Optimization

Explore on-page optimization and its role in a larger SEO strategy.

  • We pretty much exclusively use background images for our sites. How do I add in alt text? I tried a Google search for this issue and the best answer I could find was "Use the 'title' tag in the containing div", but that was from 2010. Is there a better way to do it? And no, we're not going to switch to using standard images, because background images are way more slick for UX.

    | MichaelGregory

  • I have a few sites that are used exclusively to promote live events (ex. tradeshows, conference, etc). In most cases these sites content fewer than 100 pages and include information for the upcoming event with links to register. Some time after the event has ended, we would redesign the site and start promoting next years event...essentially starting over with a new site (same domain). We understand the value that many of these past event pages have for users who are looking for info from the past event and we're looking for advice on how best to archive this content to preserve for SEO. We tend to use concise urls for pages on these sites. Ex. or What are your thoughts on archiving the content from these pages so we can reuse the url with content for the new event? My first thought is to put these pages into an archive, like Is there a better way to do this to preserve the SEO value of this content?

    | accessintel

  • Hi there, I work for a furniture retailer in the UK and I have a question about ranking for search phrases. Say I'm looking to rank for the keyword phrases: 'Tempur mattress' and 'Tempur mattress liverpool' and I have a category at: which list all of our mattresses, would I be better trying to optimize this page for those key phrases or would I be better generating a new page, say, Thank you for your input.

    | Bee159

  • We've heard a lot about Rich Snippets in the last few years, especially with regard to how they can help move the needle for ecomm brands. In the latest YouMoz post - 5 Essential E-Commerce Rich Snippets for Your Store  - Aleh Barysevich provides some easy-to-follow tips he's used to help brands find success using Rich Snippets. What about you? Have you found Rich Snippets to be all they're cracked up to be?  

    | ronell-smith

  • We are an eCommerce store who sell personalised phone cases, macbook covers, mugs and the like. Our target market is primarily 16-25 and female. We're in the process of redesigning our website and we desperately need some more enticing product descriptions before the redesign goes live. The problem is that most of our products are exactly the same. For example iPhone 5 case, iPhone 5S Case etc. At the moment our product descriptions are almost the same, but written in a slightly different way. Not only is this dangerous in terms of duplicate content, but it's also extremely boring for the user. With our users being young and female, writing about boring technical specifications isn't going to cut it with the crowd. Obviously, i want each of our pages to rank in Google so I don't want to NoIndex or canonicalize any pages or anything. How can I write unique and enticing product descriptions for very similar products? Would appreciate any ideas! Thanks, Danny

    | DannyNutcase

  • In the revised webmaster guidelines, google says "[...] Provide a sitemap file with links that point to the important pages on your site. Also provide a page with a human-readable list of links to these pages (sometimes called a site index or site map page)." (Source: I guess what they mean by this is something like this: Still, I wonder why they say that. Just to ensure that every page on a site is linked and consequently findable by humans (and crawlers - but isn't the XML sitemap for those and gives even better information)? Should not a good navigation already lead to every page? What is the benefit of a link-list-page, assuming you have an XML sitemap? For a big site, a link-list is bound to look somewhat cluttered and its usefulness is outclassed by a good navigation, which I assume as a given. Or isn't it? TL;DR: Can anybody tell me what exactly is the benefit of a human-readable list of all links? Regards, Nico

    | netzkern_AG

  • Hi, We have an issue with one of our websites, with the snippet dispaying differently in Google serps when searching for the domain or the website name rather than a search term. When searching for a search term, the page title shows as expected, but when searching for the site by the domain name either with or without the tld, it shows the snippet as the domain name with an apostrophe at the end. Domain is Thanks in advance for any advice!

    | K3v1n

  • For the purpose of simplicity, we have 5 main categories in the site - let's call them A, B, C, D, E. Each of these categories have sub-category pages e.g. A1, A2, A3. The main area of the site consists of these category and sub-category pages. But as each product comes in different woods, it's useful for customers to see all the product that come in a particular wood, e.g. walnut. So many years ago we created 'woods' pages. These pages replicate the categories & sub-categories but only show what is available in that particular wood. And of course - they're optimised much better for that wood. All well and good, until recently, these specialist page seem to have dropped through the floor in Google. Could be temporary, I don't know, and it's only a fortnight - but I'm worried. Now, because the site is dynamic, we could do things differently. We could still have landing pages for each wood, but of spinning off to their own optimised specific wood sub-category page, they could instead link to the primary sub-category page with a ?search filter in the URL. This way, the customer is still getting to see what they want. Which is better? One page per sub-category? Dynamically filtered by search. Or lots of specific sub-category pages? I guess at the heart of this question is? Does having lots of specific sub-category pages lead to a large overlap of duplicate content, and is it better keeping that authority juice on a single page? Even if the URL changes (with a query in the URL) to enable whatever filtering we need to do.

    | pulcinella2uk

  • Search Console shows non content related - website structure keywords as:
    "categories, account, facebook,..." as top significant keywords. And after those comes the website's content keywords.
    These words come from the header as I can notice. Am I repeating the content keywords less? Is there a way to adjust this? I am sure this affects my Adsense targeting.
    What am I doing wrong? Any suggestions?

    | Yaz-

  • Hi, I believe our website has been penalized by the panda update. We have over 9000 pages and we are currently indexing around 4,000 of those pages. I believe that more than half of the pages indexes have either thin content. Should we stop indexing those pages until we have quality page content? That will leave us with very few pages being indexed by Google (Roughly 1,000 of our 9,000 pages have quality content). I am worried that we would hurt our organic traffic more by not indexing the pages than by indexing the pages for google to read. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jim Rodriguez

    | dustyabe

  • My company sells Blue widgets and we are located in Denver, CO. Keyword research indicates that the the highest volume phrase is "blue widgets for sale in denver co". Should my meta title tag be: Blue Widgets for sale in Denver CO , and my h1 tag be the same? or should they be semantic phrases? Thanks in advance!

    | FicklingCompany

  • Hey guys, Have recently seen thousands of 404 errors thrown up from my wordpress blog in Google Search Console. These are URL's trying to link (i'm not sure where from) to other parts of my site, but they are not relative to the site root... infact they are a mix of random folders/subfolders and pages on my site. E.g: This is a link to a picture on the blog: And the rest of it is finding it's own way there! Any ideas? This is Wordpress by the way. Cheers, Paul. p.s. I got no help from the Wordpress community so am posting here! p.p.s I forgot to mention that MOZ is reporting these issues too, but running Screaming Frog does NOT show any 404's at all on my site...

    | SnowTrippin

  • Hello, do i have to optimize all pages on ecommerce site, as its a lot of pages to developed unique content for my plan at  the moment is to start from top down, I have completed top home, featured products etc i have also started on individual team shops my content inst unique to each page more the same and just changing the team name and keyword i was planning on doing that in the blog area of the site and just making the top categories and sub categories. and maybe in time start on the products. I can do all categories in about two months but to complete products would take like 2 years I don't feel that is productive and most would be changed or out of stock by then please take a look at my site and tell me what you think ? Kindest Regards, Stephen Kewn

    | sportingdesires

  • Hello, I would like some advice on Google ranking, my site sportingdesires had a few keywords rank and now their not ranked for those keywords. Am still in the process of on-page and am not too bothered about them ranking high, more of a curiosity I suppose. am not expecting them to reach any where near top due to tough competition. Am just starting from top of website down to individual products  ( this will take about 10 years lol ) sorting out seo issues. then will concentrate on link building & content engagement maybe i over optimised the page take a look at AC Milan club shop for example Kindest Regards, ste

    | sportingdesires

  • Hi there Ive recently taken on managing and to my horror after eventually finding a way to log into the back end I've found out that its running Joomla version 1.5.17 Would anyone have any advice as to how to upgrade this to latest version or preferably, migrate the site to Wordpress without losing much of its current look and feel (which will eventually be replaced one page at a time) Thank you in advance

    | IsaCleanse

  • It is no secret that good meta descriptions should be written to incite the searcher to click on the result without misleading them. Time and again I read that there are measurable effects by including "strong" CTAs (calls to action). What constitutes a call to action seems by some to be taken really narrow (i.e. "Click here to learn more!" - a very specific action that is spelled out) and by others rather broadly ("... Offer available till December 31" - only implicit, the action [buying/securing] not even mentioned). I now wondered: Many "guides" still recommend rather blunt calls like "Click here", "Read more", "Discover how". Personally I find those really unattractive and often a waste of space. However, I am not the benchmark and favour the informational side perhaps a little too strongly. Do those direct but general CTAs really work well in every case* or should one be more elaborate/indirect? I am looking forward of hearing your experience/opinion! Nico Yes, of course it is "test, test, test" and to some degree each case is different; looking for general patterns, though 🙂

    | netzkern_AG

  • I have a site that wants to target the keywords listed below. They are a small company with just a few ski chalets in Val d'Isere, a ski resort in France. They don't have ski chalets in any other ski resort. Val d'Isere chalets
    luxury ski chalets
    luxury ski chalets Val d'Isere
    catered chalet Val d'Isere
    catered chalet val d isere
    catered ski chalet val d'isere
    catered ski chalets
    chalets in Val d'isere
    chalets in val d isere
    luxury catered ski chalets
    luxury ski chalets Their domain name includes "valdisere" but I can't get this site onto Page 1, it keeps lingering on Page 2 and 3. I wondered how you would approach this site with pages? Would you reply on the homepage to rank for all these terms or create seperate pages for the terms, and if so how would you group the terms per page?

    | Marketing_Today

  • Hi All, We're planning to add Customers Reviews tab on product pages ! And, We'll display Shopper Approved reviews on product pages. But, I have biggest concern for internal duplication. If we will display similar reviews on all product pages then it will create internal duplication issue and We may get impact for Google Penalty. What should we Do to display Shopper approved reviews on all products.

    | CommercePundit

  • Hi there Can somebody please help me that one of my client site have two robot.txt files (please see below). One txt file is blocked few folders and another one is blocked completely all the Search engines. Our tech team telling that due to some technical reasons they using second one which placed in inside the server and search engines unable to see this file. - Blocked few - Blocked all Search Engines I hope someone can give me the help I need in this one. Thanks in advance! Cheers,

    | TrulyTravel

  • Say your on a e-commerce category page "Shirts" every lower level category has "shirts" in it such as: T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, sweat shirt, v-neck shirt, and so on. Is this page going to be penalized in google for the keyword "shirts" just because it is in the title and on the page a thousand times because i'm targetting words like "long sleeve shirt? and if it is, will the "long sleeve shirt" keyword be negatively affected as well? Answer much appreciated,
    Thanks in advance.

    | Mike.Bean

  • Hi, What do you recommend me to optimice an e-commerce website to rank every page or product? Do I have to implement schema and meta description for every product or is easier to optimice every category?

    | AbacoDigital

  • Hey Mozzers, Questions around this have been asked time and time again. But i have a specific example I would like some advice on. I have 2 products, Product 1:
    Product 2: As you can see, the products are almost identical bar some technical specifications. The owner of the business wants them listing as 2 products, combining them into a single listing with configurable options is not an option. As such I have simply made one a canonical of the other. Whilst not ideal this seems to be the best "SEO" fix. Option 2: My second option is to rewrite the descriptions to they are different - not too hard on this product and a future options when i have more time, however.... I am presented with a similar problem for another product where there are 23 versions of the same product, i cannot rewrite the same info this many times. They are different sizes, ranges, capacities, resolutions and accuracies and must be listed separately but contain all the same features and basic product information. The basic info is too important not to talk about, and talking about all the technical specs would be too much and teaching the customers likely to buy them to suck eggs. As such I have taken the 23 products and broken them down into 5 similar groups of 2 to 6 products. I have then picked 1 product from each group and written a unique description and changed all similar products in its group to match choosing 1product in each group as the canonical for all the others. So 23 same products become 5 unique products with 18 duplicated products pointing to them as canonicals. Any product pointing to another only differs in technical info, 95% of the page is the same. Whilst obviously not ideal, Is this an acceptable use of canonicals?

    | ATP

  • In my page title, I have my product name.  Is it beneficial to also include another keyword like: Buy wedding dress online Australia:  e..g. (page title) amelie wedding dress | buy wedding dress online Australia.  Or is it better just using: Amelie wedding dress

    | CostumeD

  • I'm doing some work on a website, they have a very popular product search where you enter a specific part code (6 digits) and it takes you to the product. So for example Search: 123456 Page redirected to With a canonical of Would it be beneficial to redirect from /product/123456 to /product/this-is-the-product-title Google seems to be indexing both versions. For some of these products a reasonable amount of links are built.

    | ThomasHarvey

  • A competitor uses the following format for all of their meta titles: [Store Name] Voucher Codes, Cashback & Discount Codes | [Website Name] They do vary their titles slightly, depending on which keywords are searched for, for the particular store. What do you think about this title? I'm torn between it looking a little 'stuffy' but them also getting across the point that their page offers all of that.

    | vickluque

  • Ok, I'm going be really cheeky here, so apologies in advance! We have this site and its not ranking anywhere in the top 50 for the term 'Chaise Longue' Moz has picked up a few issue with duplicate titles and a couple of 404's which I will fix shortly, It dosen't have any backlinks but I'm stumped as to why it isn't ranking higher than what it is, I'm not expecting 1st position but outside of the top 50 is something else. The site looks ok to me, but I think it might be a case of I've been looking at it so long that I can no longer see the wood for the trees. Could any kind hearted Mozer point me in the right direction here please, what am i missing?  I'd greatly appreciate it, many thanks in advance for being so cheeky and well, useless! Jon

    | Jon-S

  • We changed a page name to fall under the root of our site from to and after 2 weeks it still is not back to its #3 position. Now it is on the bottom of page 3. I cant figure out what im doing wrong here. The original .com/page1/ that this page fell under was removed totally and redirected to antoher page that was more relevant. I went ahead and re-enabled this page and its contnent, because the page was linking out to the page we 301d. This page we re-enabled had about 150 links poitning to it and therefore i was thinking that maybe the link juice from this page (or relevancy) via an internal link was helping it rank. This was updated about 6 days ago and the internal link is back Any other ideas why this might not be working. Ive checked all the 301s, content has not changed on the page. We have updated the strcuture for many pages. Instead of having the pages in question fall under anotehr page, they all fall under the root and its sub content is now only 2 levels deep , instead of being 3. hope that makese sense.

    | waqid

  • Hi there.  Im newish to SEO and first time poster here (so apologies if I've posted in the incorrect place), and I'm hoping for some advice on my homepage title tag.  Its is: "Asbestos Surveys & Removal, Kent & Sussex - MyBusinessName Asbestos Surveyors UK" Im hoping to target keyphrases "Asbestos Surveys Kent", "Asbestos Surveys Sussex", "Asbestos Removal Kent", "Asbestos Removal Sussex", "Asbestos Surveyors UK". My question is, have I attempted to jam too much in? By breaking the location bits away from "Asbestos Surveys", will it rank poorly for "Asbestos Surveys Kent"?  Should I only target "Surveys" OR "Removal". Many thanks in advance.

    | Buffalo-Mobile

  • I'm helping an online furniture store search engine optimize a WooCommerce store and I'm trying to make sure our taxonomies make sense. I'd love any help you guys can give, but I'm particularly interested in determining whether we should use tags. Product attributes make sense to me, but I'm concerned to use tags because of the propensity for creating duplicate content. Thanks in advance for any help you guys are willing to give.

    | cbizzle

  • hi Just read a Yoast article explaining that the homepage should never be optimized for a specific keyword and should only be optimized for its business or brand name. i have a large site that I'd like to rank (or increase traffic for as I know people get irritated with that term now) for 'Campervan hire'. It has plenty of sub pages going after 'Campervan hire 'location'' for example. it makes sense to me for the homepage keyword - my core keyword - to be 'Campervan hire' and for the homepage to be optimised for this. However, the article I've just read ( suggests a separate page for this keyword. What are your thoughts pls?? thanks

    | CamperConnect14

  • Hi everyone, We've decided to move away from Disqus and use Facebook comments on one of our blogs. Our users prefer it, and we saw traffic increase when we did it on another site. My question is, will removing old comments (we have hundreds of them per post) hurt my seo? I've scoured the internet for an answer but can't find anything up to date. Old best practices said to keep old comments. What do you think? Thanks!


  • I am trying to make some redirects so we don't lose that SEO juice. I am trying to move our blog structure from: to: I need to do redirects in htaccess from the old structure to the new structure but I can't seem to get it working properly. Here is what I have thus far. <code>RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^(.0-9)\/^(.0-9)\$ $1/ [R=301,L]</code> Any suggestions?

    | opiates

  • I'm trying to rank for several specific words in my industry. I've noticed that many of the pages I'm trying to rank for the specific words, the main image of the page is being ranked. So my question is should I still try to rank my page even though the image is ranking as the first image displayed in the google results. Will this count against me by Google if I do? Or should I try to make the image being ranked more enticing for google searchers to try to increase traffic? Right now the images are not generating many clicks.

    | mr_w

  • Hello Moz, We have recently built a new website The new site has the domain for one of the clients old sites pointing to it - When we check the SEO index ( for the new site, most of of the indexed items are using the old 'Heart of Mersey' title in the index although these do redirect to the new site. See below. Heart of Mersey <cite class="_Rm"></cite>Jessica Bell · Andrew Bennett · Nicola Calder · Matt Donnelly · Alexandra Holt · Robin Ireland · Magdalena Kolka · Alison Gradwell · Matthew Philpott · Trustees. Not sure how to resolve this issue. Any suggestions Thanks Ian

    | Substance-create

  • What should you do with private 'logged in' pages from a seo perspective? They're not visible to crawlers and shouldn't be indexed, so what is best practice? Believe it or not, we have found quite a few back links to private pages and want to get the ranking benefit from them without them being indexed. Eg: (Only logged in user can see the page) 302 them: We can redirect users/crawlers temporarily, but I believe this is not ideal from a seo perspective? Do we lose the link juice to this page? 301 them: We can do a permanent redirect with a short cache time. We preserve most link juice now, but we probably mess up the users browser. Users trying to reach a private page while logged out may have issues reaching it after logged in. **Serve another page with rel=canonical tag: **We could serve back the home page without changing the URL. We use a canonical tag to tell the crawlers that it's a duplicate of the home page. We keep most of the link juice, and the browser is unaffected. Yes, a user might share that different URL now, but its unlikely. We've been doing 302's up until now, now we're testing the third option. How do others solve this problem? Is there a problem with it? Any advice appreciated.

    | dsumter

  • Wordpess started adding "/" (slashes) at the end of my urls and I've left them up for some time.  Will removing them hurt search rankings or do I need to do a 301 redirect? For example - changed to Are there any other ramifications I may not be thinking about besides just search rankings.

    | MSpencer

  • Hey there, I have a website that my client is update it every day with some 'results' for example - see attached image.
    What is the best way to avoid 7 duplicate content pages every day? MgYlqFW.png

    | JohnPalmer

  • I launched a new website at and had recovered my search engine rankings as well after penguin & panda devestation. I'm was continuing to improve the site Sept 26th by adding caching of images and W3 cache but moz analytics is now saying I went from 288 medium issues to over 600 and i see the warning "45% of site pages served 302 redirects during the last crawl".  I'm not sure how to fix this?  I'm on WP using Yoast SEO so all the 301's I did are 301's not 302's.  I do have SSL, could it be Http vs Https? I've asked this question before and two very nice people replied with suggestions which I tried to implement but couldn't, i got the WP white screen of death several times. They suggested the code below.  Does anyone know how to implement this code or some other way to reduce the errors I'm getting?  I've asked this at stackoverflow with no responses. "you have a lot of http & https issues so you should fix these with a bit of .htaccess code, as below. RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
    RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L] You also have some non-www to www issues. You can fix these in .htaccess at the same time... RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www.
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] You should find this fixes a lot of your issues. Also check in your Wordpress general settings that the site is set to for both instances." When I tried to do as they suggested it gave me an internal server error.  Please see the code below from .htaccess and the server error.  I took it out for now. BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on RewriteRule ^.$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www. RewriteRule ^(.)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]</ifmodule> END WordPress Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error. More information about this error may be available in the server error log. Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    | cheaptubes

  • I have a lot of text for my home page. My plan is to a J Query Plugin for accordion text. Does anyone think that this can hurt SEO efforts?

    | DTOSI

  • Hey, I have a question.  On my site, it's divided into the main site and the blog is in a subfolder of same domain.  Within the main site (same domain), there are MANY checkout pages and other internal pages we use though all with "NO FOLLOW" on each.  Despite it having "NO FOLLOW", will it affect our blog rankings in any way or domain ranking?"

    | Mirian

  • can we safely include iframe content if we properly source the source url. eg we have a travel company we are looking to produce another website, but use the same hotel descriptions in the hotel directory. can we do this?

    | Direct_Ram

  • The Keyword density in a landing page is very low . by adding meta keyword tag can improve keyword density?

    | socialhi5

  • i have set up a site in wordpress and used a plug in to create a holding has created the same meta data but with the open graph tags - have an og:: prefix. is this ok?

    | neilhenderson

  • Would you recommend it? Are there any other plugins that you'd recommend instead?

    | --Chantal--

  • I currently have a website structure that has multiple subfolders. One of the primary sub-folders has hundreds of pages within (e.g. The pages are all accessible through other subfolders, as contextually appropriate, but there is no existing hub page for the specific pages. In other words, while are all valid URLs, is a 404. My question is given that the pages within the subfolder are accessible through multiple other subfolders, how much of an issue is it that the specific subfolder these pages are within 404s. Does this negatively impact in any way?

    | APFM

  • Hello everybody, Sorry for my english (I'm French), I will try to do my best... We've got an e-commerce website :
    On each categories, to improve our conversion rate, we put a javascript to automaticaly scroll into the page to the product list. You can see an example here : This script scroll and make some content "hidden".
    It's not really a scroll, just changing page position. Do you think that our h1 and our category content could be consider "hidden" by Google ? Thank you very much for your help

    | KumulusVape

  • hi i have been looking at this template but as the content will be generated from their database will it index well - am i better to build a static equivalent using something like visual composer as i am not that technical:

    | neilhenderson

  • MailChimp, one of the biggest brands in online marketing doesn't use an SSL certificate on their homepage...Is there a simple reason for this? Wouldn't they get an SEO boost from having one?

    | WickVideo

  • Hi all, We have a site that sells whisky and is ranking well for a specific 3 keyword phrase for example "glendronach hielan whisky" (brand, product, type) which is great but the site isn't doing well for 2 keyword phrase for example "glendronach whisky" or "glendronach hielan". I'm a little confused as to why it wouldn't rank higher for the 2 keyword phrases given that there present in the 3 keyword phrase. Is there a massive jump between ranking well between 3 and 2 keyword phrases? If so what could anyone suggest to try and rank on the 2's?

    | Jon-S

  • Hi All, I wondered if anyone has seen any ranking improvements from adding a GTIN (barcode) number to their product pages?

    | Jon-S

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