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Category: Web Design

Talk through the latest in web design and development trends.

  • Howdy Mozzers, We're looking to make our website ADA compliant and in doing so are switching our videos from Wistia to an ADA complaint player. Our main concern in switching video players is page load time, so the more "lightweight" the better. We're currently looking into Brightcove and JWPlayer... any others I should look into? Any recommendations would be appreciated! -Alex

    | ATShock

  • I've used: "opacity:0;" to hide sections of my content, which are triggered to show (using Javascript) once the user scrolls over these sections. I remember reading a while back that Google essentially ignores content which is hidden from your page (it mentioned they don't index it, so it's close to impossible to rank for it). Is this still the case? Thanks, Sam


  • Hi, We are wanting to implement Animate.css and Wowjs on our site and were concerned about the SEO impacts. Basically when the page is loaded, if the element is not within the viewport then the HTML tag (i.e. div tag) have a style="visibility: hidden" and once the element is within the viewport it will change to have style="visibility: visible". Would having the style="visibility: hidden" negatively impact SEO?

    | KendallHershey

  • Good morning, I am fairly proficient at SEO and understand a lot of the required elements - but am in no way an expert, which is why I am here now. We are in the process of setting up a brand new website (true PHP -Laravel) This will be for a nationwide website and will need to attract from the north, south, east and west. Although I have no worries about putting my domain out here, the site is not live and I don't want to possibly have a broken link pointing to me before I even launch - so I will give you an example URL and work from there. I will tell you it is a DOT Rentals website and we will call the business Widgets. So the URL is Widgets.Rentals There is no .com, .net - nothing. It is an exact match domain. The site operates as peer to peer - meaning customers will upload their widgets, photos, etc. of their widgets for rent. Now, having said that, let me ask this. If you were setting up this website - how would you recommend we do this right - right from the beginning? Since the customers (not the vendors) will search for widget rentals in a specific location - would you recommend that we maintain Geo Location with Google with a URL like this? Widget.Rentals/Orlando-Florida-beautiful-widgets-for-rent-at-a-great-price Or is it better to not Geo Locate? Widget.Rentals/beautiful-widgets-for-rent-at-a-great-price
    I have a lot more in regards to setting up the site like Title bars, headers 1, 2, 3 - Alt text images, etc. But for now would appreciate the collective best advice from the group. Mike

    | Blitzburgh

  • With Google's new stance on hidden text does the CSS Truncate count as hidden? display: block;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;

    | L8ydrgn

  • I'm working on improving site speed from an SEO perspective, and one bit of advice I see often is to specify the dimensions of the images you're using so the browser knows the size of the image it needs to download. However, I am wondering what impact this may have if the site is responsive? If you specify the large dimensions suited for a desktop browser, would you be forcing a mobile browser to use that sized image? Has anyone seen dramatic improvements in site speed using the <picture>tag for responsive images?</picture> Thanks! Jannette

    | JannetteP

  • Hi, ok so I have a pretty big site that is located on my sever /root/current-folder/. I want to rebuild the site completely as it's using software that is out of date and not our main focus anymore (OpenCart). We want to move to a Wordpress platform, but want to have as little impact on the SEO as possible. Our current strategy is: List all URLs/Titles/Meta indexed with Google on current site Create new folder on the server /root/new-folder/ My question is... if I move to a new folder on the server (same TLD) and then re-route the TLD to go to this new folder, will there be more of an impact on SEO that if I start a fresh in the current folder? Thanks

    | Easigrass

  • Hey SEO masters! I have a website that is smashing it for SEO in Australia. In an effort to increase a user base I want to make it so only logged in users can see all the content. So today, I launched a new feature hiding content using CSS 'height:' property. The content is obviously still there and if you were a developer you could easily 'inspect element' and remove that CSS style to see everything... There are a few other tweaks i made for logged out users, but that only affects some json. Question: will this affect my SEO rankings? Here is a direct example: if you sign up, there is about 1400words of content.

    | thinkLukeSEO

  • Hi all, As per the traditional or standard SEO rules, we have this link juice and dilution concept. Many websites have changed their linking structure with this with the beleif "the more number of pages, the PR will get diluted". Then many websites avoided more number of pages from homepage to avoid link juice dilution. Even we followed same. But I just wonder it's still the same way Google handles websites and rankings as per the links. And many websites even avoid more number of 2nd tier/hierarchy pages to avoid link dilution. I have gone through our competitors where they been employing lot of top level pages like 2nd tier/hierarchy pages but still doing good at rankings. Please share your views and suggestions on this. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi, I'm receiving a 404 error on my callto: phone number and wondered if there's a way to fix the problem. We've not experienced it before so I'm not sure if it's something to do with the crawl? Any help massively appreciated! Thanks Anne

    | SeeGreen

  • Hi, This is not strictly a SEO/inbound marketing question, so please excuse me for that--- but I think this awesome community could certainly help 🙂 We recently migrated a client website to https (SSL from Godaddy; the hosting provider is a different one).  All that went fine. The problem though is that when a link from the website is shared on Facebook or sent via Whatsapp, and a user tries to open the page on any Android device, it throws up a Security Error.  On the Facebook app, it doesn't allow the user to go any further. It seems that this problem is not unique and many others have raised it in various forums -- we've tried many of the options mentioned; have tried to work with Godaddy support as well ---- but the problem persists. Any solution(s)/fixes will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Manoj

    | ontarget-media

  • One of my clients implemented lazy load on part of the navigation and I am wondering what the effects will be. Specifically, the drop-down navigation does not load until you hover over it. That means when you look at the page source that drop down navigation is no longer there. I am wondering if that means the google bot no longer sees the links in the navigation drop down. I am looking into this because the dev department of this company is going to do what it wants to and they need proof that its a bad move. I already suspect that it is. Too early to tell what the effects will be and not sure if there is a built-in delay in the algorithm as to when it will impact rankings. Ultimately, I am wondering if my belief that if you can't see it in the page source then as far as that particular page goes it is not seen. That would be an important thing to verify as being true.

    | KentH

  • Hi all, The images in our sub directory are hosted from a sub domain. This sub domain is blocked to robots. So, I can see all these images are shown as "Blocked Resources" in webmasters. Is anything wrong with this? If so, we also usually block robots to image files location in our website. What's the difference? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • There's a discussion going on in our office about sitemaps. I thought it'd be a good idea to get the thoughts of the Moz community in on it, too. What are your thoughts? is the User Sitemap still an effective tool to utilize?

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • Hello All, Can anyone suggest be best technique to load responsive images? We are developing responsive site so looking for good ideas from your side so that it load very fast. Thanks!

    | micey123

  • Hi Guys,  This is my first post so hopefully I'm using the forum correctly. MOZ crawl tells me that I have 35 pages with a temporary redirect The URL column displays 302 Found along with the http:// URL Redirection Location column shows the corresponding https:// URL This all seems pretty self explanatory. However, I’ve checked my .htaccess file and I can’t see any 302 references in it. I'm trying to figure out where the 302 redirects are from and how I can make them permanent Please can anyone help me out? My .htaccess looks like it needs a little tidy (there are 2 if blocks) <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]</ifmodule> BEGIN WordPress <ifmodule mod_rewrite.c="">RewriteEngine On
    RewriteBase /
    RewriteRule ^index.php$ - [L]
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
    RewriteRule . /index.php [L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]</ifmodule> END WordPress

    | ianalannash

  • Hi, We have 6 sub domains which are forums, guides, etc. They have their own visitors for the related queries. We are planning to divert some of them to the website to promote our product with latest content. We are planning to add a link from every page of sub domain to our website homepage. This makes additional thousands of internal links flowing to website homepage. Will this kind of internal linking structure hurts? Any risks involved? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Whenever I open my site from an uncached source, like google incognito, for a split second it displays purple links and a white background while it loads the rest of the content. I've included a screenshot. Is there any way to fix that.? The site is u8P9q

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • I have a global page for our site but the global site has the exact same content as the main navigation personal page. If I redirect /index to /personal how much seo damage are we doing?

    | Miguelquirarte

  • Hi all, We are planning to add a widget at our website homepage which displays recent blog-posts with dates. Google favours new and latest content. So will these consistent new posts help in improving website ranking? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • We're in the process of building a new website for our Business (B2B Event Services) and we've hit a design snag. Our designer wants to combine all of our business services information (there are six service lines) into a single Index Page titled "Services". Beyond this creating a needlessly long page to scroll through, I'm worried this will negatively impact our ability to SEO for each service line, as we wouldn't have any intention of letting people visit the individual pages from within the site. Our current site features individual pages which, in my opinion, is how we should build our new site. That being said, I'm completely open to any ideas that will further enhance usability and searchability. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated!

    | SHWorldwide

  • Hi all, We have 3 different editions of our product we are selling with 20 features. 1st edition & 2nd edition comes with 15 features in which 10 are common in each edition. 3rd edition comes with all 20 features. Now what's the best way to interlink and show the navigational menu to highlight 3 editions and features as well? Much appreciated if some one refer me a website with such structure. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • I recently paid to have my site changed to https but at last minute did not publish it as I got nervous about it! I asked several experienced SEO people and they suggested that as my business is very small, I have a very small budget and it is 100% reliant on search engine hits, that I might take a 10 - 30% hit on ranking and it would take a long time to regain where I was. And that is the best case scenario if we do everything correctly. Apparently even with being very careful, it is easy to make errors which could have some unfortunate consequences. Any opinions?? Is it worth it?

    | Llanero

  • What's the benefits of choosing an mvc framework such as codeigniter or cakephp over wordpress? Wordpress has so many plugins, and a universally known UI for customers, it just saves a ton of time. However, a lot of the 'big guys' like SEOmoz and Distilled(?) use Cakephp and other mvc frameworks so it has me wondering what the benefits are...... anyone?

    | DonnieCooper

  • Hi all, What makes a website rank better on mobile? Usually page load speed and mobile responsiveness matters and makes a difference to rank w website better on mobile than desktop. our website is surprisingly ranking better on Mobile but not much on desktop. What might influenced here in improvement in mobile ranking and drop in desktop? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • I've got a strange issue where if visitor is viewing a website from within the Google Search App, the app doesn't seem to be able to handle online forms. The form relies users on entering data, which is then POSTed to an external booking engine site.  Normally this works fine, except when Google Search App is acting as the browser, the post payload is empty and the URL breaks. We're a bit stumped as to how to move forward.  So far the only lead is that Android users can override having the app behave as a browser - but doesn't seem like iOS users can. Any additional ideas/tips are welcome here - thanks.  🙂

    | mirabile

  • We have a page on our site which enders happily on all browsers as far as I am aware and is reasonably well optimised. So when google sent me a link to a new test tool I just had to check it out. Well the result was shocking...... The page that renders in the results is a default missing product page and not the  page that the link renders on a web page.  I played a little  and simply used the I=3436 attribute and the page appeared no problem  I then reversed the attributes so that they were i=3436&m=353 and the page again resolved totally as expected.  This indicates to me that Google have an issue with aspx attributes. Now I know what to do but is this same issue an issue in spidering and indexing pages.  If is is wow that is a big smack in the face.  Does it also harm search results in other engines. Keen for comments here

    | Eff-Commerce

  • Hi, We have all our help documents on subdirectory linked for all the features or products we provide.  Like we linked from as that is relevant guide. Do we need to link back from all help guide pages to product pages? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • On a recent crawl, Moz flagged a page of our site for duplicate content. However, the pages listed are our sitemap and our privacy policy -- both very different: What is our best option to address this issue? I had considered a noindex tag on the privacy policy page, but since we have enabled user insights in Google Analytics we need to have the privacy policy displayed and I worry that putting a noindex on the page would cause problems later.

    | calliek

  • Hi all, One of our competitors have recently redesigned their website with new content. Now I can see much less keywords in the content. And page title also changed away from keywords. Still this is ranking at good position. How? Previously they used to have much landing pages with related keywords which some of them are missing now. Still I wonder why this website is ranking high? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi guys. I am quite inspired of SPA technique. It's really amazing when all your interaction with the site is going on the fly and you don't see any page reloads. I've started implementing the site with this instruction and already found nice guys to make the design. The only downside of the using SPA which I can see **is the **SEO part. That's because the URL does not really change and different pages don't have their unique URL addresses. 
    Actually they have, but it looks like: So all of them goes after # and being just anchors. For Google this mean all of these pages is just My question is what is really proven method to implement the URL structure in Single Page Application, so all the pages indexed by Google correctly (sorry I don't mention the other search engines because of market share). The other question, of course, is examples. It will be great to see real life site examples, better authority sites, which use SPA technique and well indexed by search engines.

    | Billy_gym

  • Hi all, Generally more number of internal links will be pointed to homepage. But I see some modern suggestions that too many internal links to homepage are not good. I'm just wondering if most number of internal links pointing to homepage may hurt? Also we have sub domains, can we point a link from every page of sub domain or sub directory to homepage? Usually the answer here is about users. Of course, the content is about same product across all pages. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • We have been looking at moving our ecommerce store from Magento to Shopify Plus. However, as we rank quite well at present we are interested in hearing experience others may have had making this change and also any advice that you may have... Also, any general comments on Shopify appreciated..

    | seanmccauley

  • Hi all, I need clarification on this. I have noticed we have given "Disallow: /" in one of our sub-directory beside homepage. So, how it going to work now? Will this "Disallow: /" at sub-directory level going to disallow only that directory or entire website? If it is going to work for entire website; we have already given one more Disallow: / at homepage level blocking few folders. How it is going to handle with two Disallow: / commands? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hello, I'm trying to make sure I give a potential client the correct advice. This person is an attorney whose current site ranks well. The site deals solely with his traffic ticket defense practice. He's considering building a new site to highlight his personal injury practice but is unsure whether to build an altogether new site or redesign his current site in such a way that it includes his personal injury practice along side his traffic ticket defense practice. Obviously he doesn't want to lose his current rankings, but my concern is that he'll actually dilute his rankings somewhat with the multiple sites. Both practices have pretty different sets of keywords they would need to rank for, with pretty different difficulty levels. Any advice? Thanks.

    | lawfather

  • Hi all, We have guide/help pages from different subdomain ( And we have linked these from 3rd hierarchy level pages of our website ( But sumdomain & pages are not well optimised. So, I am not sure linking these subdomain pages from our website pages hurts our rankings? Thanks,

    | vtmoz

  • Hi all, Usually we link homepage from all pages. That's definitely a boost for homepage to rank well. Do we need to interlink homepage to the highest? Including links from subdomains or sub directories. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi all, We have many pages which are help guides to our features. These pages do not have anymore outgoing links (internal / external). We haven't linked as these are already 4th level pages and specific about particular topic. So these are technically dead end pages. Do these pages really hurt us? We need to link to some other pages? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • My client is looking to improve their SEO, and to date I've written meta data and made some initial recommendations. Thing is, on some of their pages, the body copy appears at the bottom of the page, past links and big, splashy images. My question is, will search engines even see that copy to crawl it for keywords? Thanks!

    | MarcieHill

  • We launched our website less than a year ago. We had another domain name and business name. I created 301s from the old domain to the new domain, that are still in place now. We are in the process of restructuring our current site which would result in pages getting a new title and URL to match. Essentially it would look something like this:
    -- --> --> I recently checked the analytics and it looks like we are still getting traffic redirected from the old domain. What is the best way to handle these redirects? Should I redirect a redirect?


  • Why is google still looking at my old indexed pages and not my new index. ? Why are they crawling my old website links when none of them are available? How do I overcome these problems?

    | optimalspaces

  • Hi, So our homepage is not even at top 5 pages interlinked most. I could see a ranking drop even when other pages overtaken homepage in internal linking. Homepage is the highest priority page we are expected to rank for our primary keyword. So, not linking homepage internally high but giving importance to other pages confuses Google and outrank homepage in rankings? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hey everyone! My company uses a tool called SEOQuake. We are trying to hit all of their "checkmarks" when we run a diagnosis for them. One of the only things we can not figure out how to pass is their section for Site Compliance ---> XML Sitemaps. Our client's websites that we have built are all using .aspx URL structures, and when I view them, it clearly states that it is an XML file. It has this text written at the top of the .aspx page: "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below." Does anyone know what is happening here? 
    Thank you!

    | TaylorRHawkins

  • We don't have a responsive design site yet, and our mobile site is built through Dudamobile. I know it's not the best, but I'm trying to do whatever we can until we get around to redesigning it. Is there anything I can do about the following Page Speed Insight errors or are they just a function of using Dudamobile? Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in above-the-fold content Your page has 3 blocking script resources and 5 blocking CSS resources. This causes a delay in rendering your page.None of the above-the-fold content on your page could be rendered without waiting for the following resources to load. Try to defer or asynchronously load blocking resources, or inline the critical portions of those resources directly in the HTML.Remove render-blocking JavaScript:…ckage.min.js?version=2015-04-02T13:36:04…pts/blogs.js?version=2015-04-02T13:36:04 Optimize CSS Delivery of the following:…:400|Great+Vibes|Signika:400,300,600,700…ont-pack.css?version=2015-04-02T13:36:04…kage.min.css?version=2015-04-02T13:36:04…mpruge/files/kempruge_home_0.min.css?v=6 Thanks for any tips, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • Hi all, We have a page with "keyword" in slug like "" where our homepage is "". This "keyword" difficulty is very high, so every minor factor contributing here and we have noticed competitors' pages with "keyword" in URL ranking. Then we also planned to rank this page "" and interlinked high, so it'll be favoured by Google which didn't happen. So may be we should reduce the interlinking to homepage and optimise this keyword page more to rank for this keyword. Still I doubt the chances of ranking this page is difficult and need much more. How to make this page ranked replacing homepage? If there are no options for this, we are planning to redirect our homepage to this page; so Google will slowly adopt it. Suggestions please. Thank you.

    | vtmoz

  • I run a website called Best Comedy Tickets and was optimizing my website to speed it up by getting cloudflare. However the Cloudflare and SSL was having a conflict. My hosting company decided to disable and refund me for the cloudflare and I still have this issue. When you try to get to my site now it says ( your connection is not private attackers might be trying to steal your information from ) What can i do to fix this? I want a CDN and I want my site to be able to work if you type in Http, https, or www. This problem has been going on for three days and have lost 90% of my revenue this week because of this issue. Please help

    | JosephSantiagoNYC

  • Hi all, We have product feature pages at 3rd tier like We have the help guides for each of these features on a different subdirectory like We are linking these help guides from every page of features. So, will it hurts us anywhere just because we are encouraging 4th tier pages in website, moreover they are from different sub-directory. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi all, We have recently migrated a sub-domain to sub-directory to claim it's traffic in our website. Like to We have also set a redirect for same which is working fine; but still old subdomain is showing in google search results and new directory haven't been indexed. We have submitted the new sub-directory in search console multiple times and it got partially indexed as per the status. We have allowed crawlers. Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • Hi all, Google picks up a non-homepage to rank for primary keyword where homepage is actually optimised to rank for same keyword. This means Google is ignoring the actual page and ranking other page. Does this scenario means that we are ranking lower as the homepage is not considered here? We may rank much better if homepage is preferred by Google? Thanks

    | vtmoz

  • We have given below as DNS prefetch in our website. CMS is wordpress. Are these okay? I wonder why is not working. One of our competitors is using youtube. Can we improve it any how?

    | vtmoz

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