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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Is the only way to get them through the AdWords API? If so, how do I do that?

    | Ericc22

  • Hi guys. Can I have 2-3-4 ads come up for the same keyphrase? The situation is: I'm bidding for client's company name, there is no other competition (nobody else bids for client's company name), I'm bidding only for exact match and phrase match. Is there way to have, let's say 4 ads come up when somebody searches for exact matched company name? P.S. I know it's weird question, all this is done under reputation management for this company, I'm trying to occupy as much space at the top of the 1st SERPs, so people don't see ROR article in organic position #4. If you have other suggestions - please feel free to put it here. (SEO is being done, not-index pages are being optimized to try to come up as several organic results, backlink building is in process, Social media profiles are being optimized as well). I'm just trying to have some temporary "fix".

    | DmitriiK

  • Hi All, Just noticed an unusual gap in PPC ads and organic search results in google NZ. while searched the same term in Google AU, it wasn't the same. Did anyone here see something similar? Is this a new test by Google to get more clicks on PPC ads and pushing down organic results? Looking forward to hear from the community. Cheers, Rattan wcB6DL1.jpg

    | FRL

  • Hi there, I'm trying to implement google adwords conversions on a particular client's website. They have used bootstrap as the framework for their site and mainly open up contact forms within a bootstrap modal, after a button is clicked. See here: I thought I had successfully implemented the adwords conversion tracking however it has been a week now, and my conversions still say they are "unverified". I wonder if anyone else has encountered this before and knows what I might be doing wrong. Thank you in advance, Darren

    | SEODarren

  • I'm just reaching out to get some help with regards to Adwords bidding. I find we are great at comprehensively setting up a campaign but struggle to know exactly what to do regarding setting the bid at the right amount for a keyword. Our current strategy is to maximise Impression share for keywords and therefore we generally look to endeavour to adjust bids to maximize this metric. Is there are good process to use for Adwords bidding or something someone can direct me to in order to uncover the things to consider when adjusting this bidding amount?

    | Gavo

  • Hi, I have redirect a page using 302 but after redirect paid conversion is start appearing as organic conversion before that tracking was working fine. When I checked I found 'gclid' stripped after 302 redirect. How can I fix this ? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • For my Adwords campaign, I create a separate landing page for each Ad Group, but are similar enough to one another that they may be considered duplicate content. Should I use a canonical tag on the page to tell Google which page is priority? I don't care about any of those pages ranking in search, I'm just using them for my ads. I also don't want to redirect, clearly. Is the canonical tag the correct way to go?

    | Dino64

  • I am trying to understand the challenges of running PPC in China. If anyone has any experience with adwords/Baidu/Alibaba I would really appreciate them sharing. I was having a hard time locating the specific polices in Adwords help.  Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

    | JerrodDavid

  • Over 95% of my revenue comes from organic search; less than 5% comes from AdWords PPC (all other sources account for about 1-2%). My ROI on AdWords is roughly zero. It's negative if you include opportunity costs. My question is: if I pause all of my AdWords campaigns, is there ANY chance that my organic rankings (and organic click-through rates) will suffer? This is really two questions. First, could Google retaliate to my reduced ad spending by dropping my rankings? Second, will searchers think differently about my organic link if they don't also see the accompanying paid link on the SERP?

    | ahirai

  • Hi there - One of my clients is redeveloping its website. That means, the domain is remaining the same, but the whole site is being rebuilt in wordpress so all the adwords final URLs need to change OR be redirected. There are 550 live adgroups and 3400 ads. We haven't set up tracking. I can't find anywhere what the best thing to do is in this case. The key issues seem to be: 1. 301 redirects - given we have to do these anyway as part of migration, this seems to be the easiest path as Google is ok about redirects as long as they don't go to a different domain. From what I'm hearing, you don't get adversely impacted in terms of quality score etc. This has the huge advantage that you don't have to edit the ad therefore no loss of statistical history or risk of downtime whilst you wait for approval. HOWEVER, there is some concern that if you then redirected again IN THE FUTURE, the redirect might not work (in some browsers) or cause a loop. I'm also concerned that it's messy to leave it like that (ie: with the wrong URLs throughout). 2. Buik updating ads - I don't think this is an option as if you bulk download and then reupload, Google will see this as a new ad, and delete all the statistical history - I'm also concerned that that WOULD impact quality score as you'd be starting from scratch! 3. Changing each ad individually - as far as I understand you'd have to create copies of all the ads (so that you keep the history of the old ones) and effectively create new ones with the correct URL - one by one. You end up with a messy account (a lot of paused ads) but you keep the history? This is obviously the most time consuming and I can't see a way of avoiding ads having to go in for approval again, given the urls are all different, so you'd have to do this a an ad level, not an adgroup/campaign level etc. People redevelop their websites (without changing domains) all the time. It seems strange that no one is mentioning this problem! Any ideas?! Many thanks

    | catalystmdc

  • Hi guys, I'm managing PPC campaign for one of my client.
    Its locksmith campaign in the US, so you can imagine that the competition is very high. We are getting really good results. almost 50% conversion rate, all the keys are in average position of 1.5, the quality score is high (between 6-10),Search Lost IS, is really low. Everything split to group, zip code, cities, for mobile or desktop... basically everything is going really well. BUT as we always want to increased the results and like all if us we have the presser from the client to improve and get more results, i feel that im a bit stuck. What other stuff i can do to improve\extend the campaign ? Any tips are more then welcome!

    | EdmondHong87

  • Google analytics showing Googleweblight traffic is paid traffic or organic traffic or anything else? If any post related to this query, kindly send that URL.

    | vivekrathore

  • Can anyone recommend an easy to use website or tool (ideally free) to scrape all the visible text from a website to use for SEO/SEM keyword research? Thanks as always MOZ friends!

    | ReunionMarketing

  • Hi, Previously i was using Google Merchant API V1 now I tried to implement Content API V2 but finally failed to implement so can anyone suggest me the process of using xml feed from current scenario? Thanks!

    | devdan

  • I am setting up a remarketing campaign and wonder if anyone has any thoughts on whether to do this via Analytics or Adwords?  Doing it through Analytics appears to be more straight forward - and I like the idea of broadening the data set that comes from an Analytics report.  I therefore I wonder if it comes down to personal preference?  Would be grateful to any thoughts for or against.

    | E2E

  • I am trying to understand the impact my commercials are having on website beyond just the clicks I get from YouTube as a referring site. Google is telling me there is not a way to track users that have viewed a video. I am trying to think outside of the box to figure out a way to use the remarketing cookie to my advantage. Google says there is not a way to track a user that watched a video and then eventually came to my site. But at the same time the "Earned Views" metric is similar to what I am trying to accomplish. As per Google, "An earned view occurs when someone who views your video ad and then watches another video or videos in a linked YouTube channel within 7 days of the ad view." So I want to be able to apply this same method to people that view my video ad and then surface on my website eventually. Please let me know your thoughts on this and if there is a way to accomplish this goal. Thank you

    | JoeyPasq

  • Anyone do this kind of work or know anyone who does? Looking to act quickly. Our product is selling well and the team wants to put more money behind it and I'm not sure if that's necessary or if we just need to optimize our organic listing. Trying to understand scale and how Amazon differs from Adwords

    | Eric_OWPP

  • Hi guys, I have PPC campaign that gets more or less good results I noticed that i have high percentage of: Search Lost IS (rank) & Search Impr. share, although
    that my quality score is high (6-8) and the average position also very high (1.5-2.5). What can i do to decrees these numbers ? Ohh and also the bids are more than the top page number... Any help are welcome!

    | EdmondHong87

  • Hello, A friend of mine has noticed an increase in organic traffic since they started using AdWords. Has anyone had similar results or could this be coincidence? Thanks in advance!

    | Mike.Bean

  • I spoke with the adwords express rep about this, and he was extremely vague and unhelpful. So, I'd appreciate some assistance...even though it's a lot of questions. Whatever insights you can share to any portion of this, i would greatly appreciate. We setup an adwords express account, and we set our budget $50 over what Adwodrds Express says was our competitors average range. However, our ads only show up on the bottom right side of page 2. We are trying to figure out why that is? Are adwords express accounts only placed on the lower tier of PPC by definition? Will they always be on the bottom of a sidebar on the second page? Does it depend on how much we are willing to pay a month? So, if we double what we are willing to pay per month, will the ad move up? Also, it's not clear to me at all, how much we are being charged per click or how we are being billed. How are they determining what each click costs? Happy Friday and thanks in advance, Ruben

    | KempRugeLawGroup

  • From experience I've always been telling clients of mine to stay from Yellow Pages advertising. It has been several years now and it seems that Yellow Pages not only offers just priority listings but also SEO and their own version of Adwords it seems. I received a call from a Yellow Pages sales rep today saying they can promise me 50k impression views for $500/month which is a campaign managed by them and they'll even create the ads as well. When I questioned them on their 9 million sources they have for generating these impressions, if these impressions are local or national they mentioned it works like Adsense in a way. I eventually declined their offer and figured I'd do some research. If I were to create an Adwords Display campaign with that kinda of budget and do it locally by my city, Adwords forecasts are no where near that kind of impression count, expanding the campaign out to all of Ontario would be closer but still not quite that high an impression count. I'm assuming YP doesn't have as large of a network compared to Google either which also makes me more doubtful. What I would really like to know is has anyone had any success with YP advertising compared to Adwords recently especially with their high costs for such services? And does anyone know where exactly YP, Google Adwords, Bing Ads get their web partners and sources from? I know there are ad revenue agencies like Metroland that sell their ad sources to such companies and was curious.

    | FPK

  • Hi Mozzers! I've got an Adwords Remarketing account performing well in terms of View Through Conversions but not regular 'old Conversions. We are getting about 10x more View Throughs than regular Conversions. Is this close to typical or in the expected range? Any suggestions about how to trade these around, working towards getting more regular conversions and less view through conversions?

    | chocoheadfred

  • Background: We're a home service business with potential for recurring clients. In the past, I've run PPC campaigns for a much larger company, and was profitable, but the business model was vastly different. The campaign also took place during their busy season, allowing flexibility I won't receive here. Campaign Details: AdWords only SERPs only (not partner network) Desktop users only Data Available: Lots of past data was incomplete, prompting my best estimates and judgment calls. For past leads data, I'm using Google as lead source (organic + local pack rankings), generated specifically from our quote form. Since our quote form doesn't render on Mobile/Tablet, I omitted those visits from our Analytics data, and only target Desktop in the campaign. I wound up with the following statistics: Organic (any web search), Desktop visitors who viewed our quote form page: Number of overall pageviews Number of overall leads generated from our quote form Number of overall leads which converted to sales And for our sales/numbers end of things: % our clients choose targeted package Revenue of initial sale on that package Profit generated from sale on that package Using these numbers, I calculated the % of clickers likely to bounce, complete the form, convert to clients, etc. Using our sales records, I calculated revenue/profit expected from each. And with that, I calculated the highest CPC to break even (unacceptable, obviously), as well as the projected ROI from lower, more reasonable CPCs. Notes: We're a home service business. Not all homes are created equal. Through data, I found our clients average home size and the average estimate for that home. Due to incomplete records, I can't know which Google _clients _are specific to our quote form. Some likely called through the local pack or manually dialed and said "Google" if our staff asked. To combat this, I found the % of Google _leads _who completed the quote form vs. phone call, email and applied it to clients for a reliable estimate (our system removes the quote form identifier upon lead to client conversion). I'm not factoring in the % of clients who become recurring customers as I don't have this data. Given that it's much higher than 0%, I think this allows a LOT of breathing room on my estimates. Many of our clients have stayed with us for years. If only a small number convert to long-term status, the current ROI shoots WAY up. Similar to above, I'm also not factoring in the % of clients who don't choose the initial package, but instead choose a lesser package. Again, I think this provides breathing room. Any PPC campaign will have a plethora of variables, especially intangible issues (damages, refunds, etc). I feel I have the important things down, but I'm far from an expert. I'd love to receive any advice or things I'm overlooking. Thanks.

    | kirmeliux

  • When a previous visitor to your site clicks on an RLSA ad, is the cost per click the same as if you were bidding on that same Keyword for a new visitor?

    | richdan

  • Hi Ive linked an adsense account to the relevant sites GA account but cant see an approporiate new section in GA with the Adsense data in it! I presume there should now be ? If so where should it be and if its not there what's likely cause/fix ? All Best Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • I have a client that is a perfect fit for the Chinese market, but have had issues with reseller agencies that don't really know what they are doing. Does anyone have any agency recommendations? I am only spending a few grand a month.

    | JerrodDavid

  • We are moving our website to a new CMS, and working with a vendor who would like to change the title tags from the current format to a breadcrumb structure. Our fear is that this may negatively impact the current optimization efforts in place. Our current title tags are a mixed bag of good, bad and neutral, but some have been optimized for best practices. Does anyone have any insight on the effect we would see if everything were changed at once, or any suggestions on how we could test this before we launch the "new" site? Thanks!

    | cparedes

  • Hi, We recently ran a few ads on Facebook and Reddit for a campaign of ours. Each of the URLs were properly attributed UTM links. Some of them register properly in campaigns, but the vast majority aren't. I can only find the attribution by checking All Traffic and displaying the landing page and the source/medium. Our Facebook Ad Manager reports MANY more clicks than our Campaign section in GA is for the campaign name. Here's the URL I receive for the landing page: /?url= Is Facebook writing over our UTM with their own so all I receive is that it came from Facebook? The URL we used was complete with utm_source, utm_campaign and utm_medium, yet these aren't fully reported. Any ideas?

    | kirmeliux

  • Hello All, Yesterday when i was checking with the one of the search term for "canvas prints"..i come to know that one of the advertiser is showing Incorrect price. On Search result they guys are showing $7.46 incorrect price for the PLA - Product listing ads. Go to below links:,mr:1,seller:8521978&tbm=shop&q=canvas+prints&sa=X&ved=0CJkGELMrahUKEwjmj-PSgfzIAhUHBY4KHc0VBBQ But when we click on it then i can not this price $7.46 I have done various claim and send to Google support about this misguiding price for the Easy Canvas Prints but they not taking any actions on it. Guy Can u please help me how can i pass this message to Google to take actions for this advertiser? Waiting for your reply Regards Dinesh

    | CommercePundit

  • Client has about 30 locations. Not planning to get too fancy (i.e. like putting JS on the page so that a dynamically generated phone is displayed to track keywords). At this point, just we only want to see if PPC is providing telephone conversions. I've used Mongoose Metrics before and it seemed good. However, I don't want to go with something simply because it's what I already know. Would love to know some of your favourites and if there are better options. Also - client is in Canada. Not sure if that makes a difference.

    | woodsy1010

  • What are the best ways to track offline conversions that have come directly from paid ads such as Adwords? Say for example, John searches for 'luxury armchair' and clicks on one of our ads and is directed to the landing page that sells the luxury armchair. John then calls us and completes the transaction over the phone. How do we know that the advertising channel is responsible for that transaction without physically asking the customer? I know Google provide free forwarding phone numbers which can be provided in the Ads, but if they call us from the phone number we list on the website there is no way of tracking down that exact sale? Google mentions something to do with providing a unique ID, called a "GCLID" but I'm not familiar with this or how it works. Any advice is much appreciated.

    | Jseddon92

  • Hello, I have noticed in Adwords, when I select San Francisco or San Francisco county as a location for the campaign, it shows the reach as 7,220,000 Now I know that reach may be different from census data and depends largely on number of google signed-in users. But this number is waaay of. According to census there are only about 850,000 people in SF county, lets add as much that commute to SF for work, then we still have only 1,700,000 - not even close to 7,220,000 google is reporting. Also note that for the rest of the Bay Area counties the Adwords reach numbers match very closely census data. Any ideas?

    | SirMax

  • Hi All, Looking for a little feedback from anyone running/managing ppc campaigns. I'm trying to decide if Broad Match Modifier search terms are actually helping.  I see many instances where they have a low quality score, high cpc and low CTR.  This leads to me think that these terms are actually bringing all my other ads down due to these negative signs. I have most search terms as "Phrase Match" and [Exact Match] so i'm not sure why i need the Broad Match + Modifier terms as well. Looking for some advice from the experts ... Do you guys agree with my assessment and what is your overall opinion on the usefulness of Broad Match Modifier terms. Thanks

    | Prime85

  • Hi everyone, It may not be the right forum to post such a request but I am looking for an intensive advanced adwords training program within the next 2 weeks in the San Francisco area. I am adwords certified since last week but I have never really managed multiple accounts before and I am looking for something that would get me up to speed. I have already researched online and found that Cardinal Path, Luna Metrics and Academy X are offering such classes but nothing this month. Do you guys have any suggestions for a good intensive training program around the San Francisco Area that offers classes this month? Online resources are welcomed as well. Thanks for letting me know!

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi mozzers, I have a plumber client who would like to try the Google Home Services ads but I have not found a guideline on this just yet. Do you know how to set it up? Do I need to use adwords or is it under another google product? The more details you guys have the better! Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Hi, I'm seeing a roll-out of the Google hotel finder functionality in Google search for amsterdam apartments. It has now disappeared and shows just local results but I was wondering if anyone knows how to get holiday apartments / short stay apartments in Google Hotel Finder? And has anyone else seen this happening, I'm wondering if this isn't just a G test. 9rjqm17

    | hellemans

  • Google adwords not allowing us to reactivate after GWT violation removed and site deemed clean by Google. Attempts at reaching them for guidance have been unsuccessful. Any suggestions? Thank you.

    | ahw

  • Hello, We have customized product and we charge Handling Charge + Shipping Charge for blow $9.99 price products, other products not have Handling Cost but only Shipping Cost. If I apply Shipping Price from Merchant Center Shipping Table then it is required to mention Shipping Cost + Handling Cost at Shipping attributes?  Because we saw total Shipping Cost including with Handling Cost as given below, | Subtotal | £6.99 Super Saver (delivered on or before Fri,Oct 9th 2015)( £7.95 ) + Handling Fee (£3.00): | £10.95 | **                                                                                         Grand Total£17.94** (Incl. VAT) In this case how I can saw Handling Price ?? Thank you in advance.

    | CommercePundit

  • I am unsure whether I should put a link on As the web directory is rather a common one and not specialized on web design (as my site is)... On the other hand it has a higher PA and DA then my site. And its spam score is very low. What do you think. Will google reward it and is it worth lazing 50 bucks? Cheers Marc

    | RWW

  • While I definitely see the pros to buying your name in Adwords, should you still do this if you have a small monthly budget? I get why large companies like Tiffany's would buy their name because they have the excessive funds to do so in addition to buying keywords. Any guidance or strategy on this?

    | SEOhughesm

  • Hi,
    I was wondering if I could ask is perhaps someone could give me some clarification as to how the amount we bid on Google Product Ads reflects the product positioning on Google Shopping? We have a Google Product Data Feed which is then linked up to our Adwords account so that we can determine a PPC bid amount. In instances like this it doesn't seem to make sense that one person may be paying 10ppc and another 20ppc when the buyers criteria for sorting merchants was purely down to the price. Since the buyer has the option to sort their products in price from minimum to maximum the sort order cannot be manipulated by Google based on the amount the merchant was paying. As such, how is determining a cost per click figure relevant when the customer is searching by base price low > high on Google Shopping? Surely I should just set the limit to £0.01 and rely on the customer determining the sort order (which ultimately will lead to a higher conversion rate) than allowing Google to skew the results based on bidding 20-30 times this amount? I should state that I'm in the UK. I do realise that a high PPC amount will increase our chance of exposure on standard search pages but my question does relate solely to results listed on Google Shopping. Thanks for your help! Chris

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Given AdWords is a paid service, you'd hope the figures are accurate. For an example (exact match) keyword last month, AdWords says there were 14,253 impressions on Google search (i.e. not search partners or display network). However, going over to Analytics, for the same month it suggests 4,500 impressions for the same keyword. Google AdWords says the following about impressions: "An impression is counted each time your ad is served on Google's ad networks, such as on or other publisher websites and apps." "...How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network." Google Analytics explains impressions as: "The number of times any URL from your site appeared in search results viewed by a user, not including paid AdWords search impressions." Can anyone help clarify what is an accurate way of attaining monthly search figures, i.e. what is my overall potential Google customer base? I've also tried the Keyword Planner - which averages monthly searches  - and it gives me 18,100 impressions for the same keyword (almost the two above figures added). Thanks! Rob

    | englebert

  • Realised that the landing page for a paid ad is the wrong one. How do I edit the URL to take the user to another landing page?

    | aleena_QD

  • I am trying to decide whether to setup  conversion tracking in Adwords using the website/page as a source, or Analytics. I do understand the (basic) difference, however in tossing up the pro's and con's of each I would be grateful for some input. The advertiser is in the (offline) retail and service industry and so conversions being tracked include completing a form, making a booking etc - so it is no problem to implement the tracking snippet.  My gut instinct is that Analytics is not as accurate as a reflection as the webpage (due to the way it records only the last conversion). Would it be a mistake to use both? (my concern is that double clicks will be recorded)

    | E2E

  • If a business has an unlimited supply of product and an unlimited capacity to distribute that product why would they want to limit their Adwords campaign budget? If your Cost per Acquisition for a conversion is lower than the Customer Lifetime Value for any given keyword bid, why would you want to prevent your campaign from reaching as many people as possible? Thanks in advance Danny

    | richdan

  • Hi,
    One of my clients runs an online magazine that is geared towards the elderly market. She is looking for a continual increase in traffic. Is PPC the best/most effective method to utilize for this or are there good link building opportuntieis in this arena? Would it be a good idea to have her submit some of her articles to article directories as she is an author?

    | corn2015

  • I am relatively new to Adwords, and I can't figure out why the Adwords section of Analytics is showing all my site visitors at 0% bounce rate.  Does that mean the account connection is not done right?  Obviously Google ads are not a 0% bounce rate. If I can't get that to work, does anyone know how Google ads appear in Traffic?  Is it Direct or Referral? I'm sure there's some simple answer I'm just not aware of, I would appreciate anyone's help. Thanks!

    | Crystalline_15

  • Hello Mozers! I have a website with organic visits/goals on and a few AdWords Campaign landing pages on whose goals are tracked with both adwords conversion monitoring AND analytics (not imported from analytics into Adword). The landing pages of the campaign have nothing to do with the web site (different cms, they don't link each other, totally isolated) and viceversa. Given that, what would it be the best practice to configure Google Analytics to track the website ( AND a PPC campagin ( I have been told to set up different views of the same property, but do I really need that? Please let me know what are you thinking. Thank you very much. DoMiSoL Rossini

    | DoMiSoL

  • There has been some debate amongst my colleagues that Facebook obscures it's advertising spend options.  This for setting up ads to go directly to a website. I understand that Facebook offers both CPM & PPC  However lets say that an advertiser hypothetical sets up a campaign and for some reason the ad receives absolutely no clicks (but some impressions).  Will the advertiser still be charged?

    | RosemaryB

  • Does anyone have more information on one why this might be? Thanks in advance! GyuYc5F.png

    | Whittie

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