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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Hi. Trying to find data for click through rate for the Google search results page? If I run Adwords, do I want a PLA listing or a text listing? Or do I work on PLA + Organic or Text + Organic? What percentages do each position get approximately? E-commerce website. Technology sector. Any help?

    | YNWA

  • When managing a clients PPC campaign is there any advice on throttling up and down the accounts depending on the search popularity. Let's take "wedding cake" there are obvious trends here cake but would you advise to spend more on Ads during the quite months as competition is low and you can get more click for less cost, or do you load up on clicks when it is more competitive/expencive . Please don't get bogged down in the "weeding cake" keyword, I'm looking more for views on when would be best to load an account in terms of return on investment. For example would you get better quality clicks when low search volumes as opposed to high. Lets also assume that our product costs us the same all year round. I have seen different side to the story. What are your views

    | smartcow

  • Does anyone have direct experience regarding the impact on quality score by ensuring there is a privacy policy in place on the landing page? I am aware of the legal requirement but I have heard anecdotal evidence there could be an impact on quality score if one is missing.

    | MickEdwards

  • Hi, Whenever I use Fetch and Render in Webmaster tools I always get 'Partial' and a list of problems... The blocked stuff is the Google ad conversion tracking pixel... Does anyone know what to do? I've so far ignored this problem, but would like it fixed as I like everything to be 'perfect'... The devs are looking at it, but I wondered if anyone had a workaround or the answer! Thanks, Ameia

    | CommT

  • Content discovery networks legal ? I heard about Outbrain is it Ok in eyes of Google to get traffic from these sites and pages that have adsense? Thank you

    | bsharath

  • We have a client that has syndicated content across a variety of domains. They have no access to the domain/hosting for the site that the content is being syndicated on, but would like to run PPC campaigns to these pages. The page is a header, footer and then the main page content is inside of an iframe, and I was wondering if Google will even allow that to be used as a landing page for a PPC campaign? Thanks!

    | RCDesign74

  • I'm trying to increase my quality score when bidding on competitors. I've broken up each competitor into a separate ad group and focused on 5-10 keywords in each but my quality scores seem to stay around 3 - 5. I'd like them to be more in the neighborhood of 5-7 Currently my ad relevance is below average and feel that if I can increase that to at least average than I should see some better quality scores. Any advice on how to do this with the competition? Normally, I just focus ads around the use of the keywords but since the keywords are brand names, I can't do that with these ads.

    | jarjarjarvis

  • Hi all, For a client of ours, we're not seeing session & conversion data for AdWords campaigns in Analytics. We are seeing click & cost data. Adwords and Analytics are linked and autotagging is enabled. The site where we're experiencing this problem is It's a Magento-based store with the Web Cooking Universal Analytics extension installed. The bulk of AdWords traffic is landing on the page, which has no active redirects that could remove the ?gclid parameter for as far as I can tell. Yet, click IDs that I manually tested won't show up in the reports either. Mid April, all traffic aside from direct traffic just disappeared from the reports. Google's Tag Assistant gives a lot of errors, but in the source code the snippet looks just fine and we don't have problems with other web shops that use the aforementioned extension. Suggestions as to what could be the problem are most welcome. Thanks! Bas

    | Evoworks

  • Hi all, Have an Analytics account connected to my AdWords account which is showing HUGE gulfs in clicks and sessions for a CPM campaign. 500 clicks = 0 sessions. Does anyone have any idea why this could be the case? Auto-tagging is on and everything looks to be in place. The website itself is on a 303 so I was wondering could that be impacting things? The CPC is also just 1p so that's got me very suspicious. Thanks in advance.

    | Whittie

  • I recently noticed that one of my clients had several redirects in their Adwords text ad destination URLs.  I updated the destination URLS to land on the final location (thereby losing all the text ad history).  However I'm wondering if this could have any impact on the text ad quality scores (none of them were disapproved).

    | RosemaryB

  • If we tag our paid social links with medium=cpc, will that traffic and conversions rollup under social or paid search in the channel reports? The other option we're considering is tagging with medium=social. Thanks,

    | SDLOnlineChannel

  • I am in the process of setting up a fresh adwords account for a recently launched ecommerce site with about 3000 products and would like to automize the generation of the ads based on a spreadsheet of our product database. I would like to have full control over the code to generate these ads and a programmer with knowledge in SOAP and javscript would be availlable to assist in implementation. Any recommendations? Would you use adwords API or rather adword scripts?
    Do you know whether there may be any existing code for doing this that we could just adapt to our requirements?

    | lcourse

  • Does anyone know if we have to have a paid addwords campain for our products to appear in google shopping. We have a feed set up for google shopping. We have addwords campaigns running for google. But our products do not seem to appear in google shopping. Any advise on how to get them there?

    | CostumeD

  • I am coming across a very frustrating phenomenon in one of my PPC campaign reporting. In short: I believe that GA is counting some of my PPC sessions as organic (not provided). Has anybody come across this before? I believe they are being counted as organic because of the following: the website is brand new and does not rank for anything but their branded terms the few keywords showing up in GA are the terms we target our PPC towards the amount of sessions of Paid Search (in channels) and  AdWords sessions don't match up (The number of actual PPC clicks is substantially higher than the Paid Search sessions) PPC clicks and sessions don't even match up in the AdWords part of GA GWT shows 0% CTR for any non branded terms Tell me I am crazy, but I really don't think I am. I just don't have the hard evidence to back it up. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    | Rebecca.Holloway

  • Hi Guys, I am moving from old version of tag manager to new version of tag manager. But when i do so at that time in my google analytic 1) my adwords transaction, revenue and ecommerce conversion rate stop showing. 2) In ecommerce -overview also transaction, revenenue and ecommermce conversion rate stop showing. Can any one tell me what is the issue? I am sharing with you the details configuration of my old tag manager and new version of tag manager - I am using google analytic having id - UA-12345678-9 I am using old version of google tag manager in that i have configure 5 tags - a) google adwords conversion tracking
    b) GA pageview tracking
    c) google remarketing
    d) GA conversion tracking
    e) twitter conversion tracking I did following configuration for all - Tag Name - google adwords conversion tracking
    tag type - Adwords conversion tracking
    conversion id - 123123123 ( from adwords)
    conversion lable - sdfsnfs-sfsf ( from adowrds) Firing rule -{{url}} contains ordersuccessful.aspx
    {{event}} equals gtm.dom save Google Analytic PageView Tracking
    Tag Type - classic Google Analytic
    web properid id - UA-12345678-9
    track type - page view Firing rule - all pages save GA conversion Tracking
    tag type - classic google analytics
    web property id - UA-12345678-9
    track type - transaction Firing rule -{{url}} contains ordersuccessful.aspx
    {{event}} equals gtm.dom By above configuration everything work fine with google analytic. In New versoin of tag mananger following configuration i did - Adwords conversion tracking
    Choose Product - Google Adwords
    choose tag type - adwords conversion tracking
    configure tag - conversion id - taken from adwords
    conversion label - taken from adwords
    conversion value - {{google_conversion_value}}
    Fire on - Name - order successful page
    type - custom event
    Filter- Page url contains ordersuccessful.aspx
    event equals gtm.dom save Choose Product - Google Analytic,
    choose tag type - universal analytic
    configure tag - tracking id - UA-12345678-9, track type - page view Fire on - All pages save GA conversion tracking Choose Product - Google Analytic,
    choose tag type - universal analytic
    configure tag - tracking id - UA-12345678-9, track type - transaction Fire on - Name - order successful page
    type - custom event
    Filter- Page url contains ordersuccessful.aspx
    event equals gtm.dom save By above configuration my analytic stop reflecting transaction, revenue, ecommerce conversion rate for adwords and ecommerce overview. Thanks!

    | devdan

  • Background: We manufacture and sell our own products to the UK and English speaking world. We rank well for major terms but there is lots more traffic to be had with PPC so we've always used Adwords At present I target keywords in 3 ways. 1. I have an [exact match] campaign that I use to target terms like [acme widget] 2. I have a broad match campaign that I use to target keyword targets I have identified through research like +blue +acme +widget. 3. I have an even broader campaign that I use to target the very long tail terms that it would be too time consuming to create groups and ads for like +camo +rocket +acme +widget The problem: My 3rd category won't show! I use varied bids to make sure the more relevant ads show where they overlap (eg 2nd campaign bid is 50% of 1st campaign, 3rd campaign bid is 50% of 2nd) but 3rd campaign wont show for long tail searches when I test it with the random crap that people search for! I get the error message... Your ad isn't being displayed for this keyword because there may be other ads within your account that are ranked higher and have similar keywords. 2 questions I suppose, is my structure acceptable and if it should work why isn't it?! Thanks so much all! Matthew

    | mat2015

  • Hi, I want to export the complete product feed from our Magento website to Google shopping. How can I do this? as far as I know many of the extensions have many problems... could you give me some advise please? Many Thanks

    | One2OneDigital

  • Hi Guys, One of my friend using bing adwords, he want to give me user access for that account for that i have create one microsoft outlook mail like, now he has given access to me but confuse how to access the account? Is this a url - ? Thanks! Dev

    | devdan

  • Hi All,
    As far as I know for one goal conversion I could have have more E-commerce transaction but in my case it is opposite I am getting e.g two goal conversion count for one e-commerce transaction or 6 goal conversion count for 3 E-commerce transaction. Why this is happening & How could I fix that? Thanks

    | Alick300

  • Hi Guys I'd like someone to run and email a report on one of my competitors in an upgraded account please! I only want to run one report and don't really want to shell out $70 for one report. The company is super event dot co dot uk. If any one could help that would be ace! All the best Ben

    | SussexChef83

  • Has anyone got any experience with advertising products for hire rather than for sale on Google Shopping? Is it allowed? How does it perform?

    | ese

  • Hi Just wondering what everyones thoughts on Google certification? I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing the analytics and adwords tests? Do you feel they give you a benefit or advantage to others in your field? And also what is the cost of the exams? Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • This must have beeen asked before, but I have been Googleing all day to find a sample offer made by some premium agency. I am working on my very first Adwords offer and although I certainly have my own ideas what to include, I would love to see an offer that has a great flow and layout. Could somebody please give me a link where I can find something?

    | Valdo2222

  • My company is a B2B software company and we have A LOT of case studies.  I was doing an audit and rewriting my case study meta data when I thought maybe there was a better way to write the title and meta description for these case studies. My strategy thus far is to summarize the benefits our software had on the company the case study is about.   Lots of 20% increases,  reached 99% of this metric,  saved 100k in first year.  That kind of stuff. I wonder if this is the best approach, or if maybe asking questions or just explaining that this is a case study for this company in this industry would be better for SEO. What do you guys think?  Pardon the redundancy but are there any case studies about seo for case studies?

    | Manseo

  • Hi Running an adwords campaign for a builders/construction company namely double glazing what sort of return of investment could I expect to get on a return of £4000 per month? I know its a million dollar question but any insight or thoughts would be appreciated, especially on tracking ROI for example in this case it's just leads via a contact form on potential conservatory, windows or doors work which would be followed up via phone and an onsite visit.

    | offonhols

  • Is it possible to show different prices by country of visitor in adwords using adwords customizers? I would like to avoid having to setup campaigns for each country, in order to show country specific prices in adwords. thanks

    | lcourse

  • We talked to a vendor called Captora today and I'm curious if anyone else has tried them. It seems like it's too good to be true and could lead to issues should Google get wise to this tactic. So what are people's thoughts? watch?v=SVSCPrcXXDQ

    | VMTurbo-Marketing

  • I've had a web site since before most people knew what a web site was, It has a page authority of 30, domain authority of 21, and 21 root domains that link to path. The problem is, I am not getting many organic hits, and I am wasting a lot of non-productive money on ad words. Because this site is over 20 years old, with a few rudimentary modifications, I decided to create a totally new web site that is modern and that has a regular menu, pictures, etc. It also has a domain name that more accurately reflects what I do. I am an engineering consultant working in the area of RF and microwave design and development. I design rf and microwave circuits and systems for clients. Those clients range from individual inventors to start-up companies, to large (and, yes, sometimes) corporations, including some aerospace companies. But, I do not design rockets, space ships, airplanes, or other things that an aerospace company does. I get a lot of organic hits on "aerospace consultant", "aerospace consulting", "aerospace design", etc. But, those are useless to me, since that is not what I do. So, I designed a new website. It is still under development, but it is out there at Clearly, the URL is appropriate to what I do. And, all pages have my company name, Aerospace Consulting LLC. But, even with Google adwords, which I just activated for this site yesterday, I am not getting good results, especially when you look at the cost of the CPC. I plan to keep my e-mail address, that is tied to since it has been out there for over 2 decades and that is what my old clients know. But, I am wondering if I should move the new web site contents to my old domain, because of the domain authority, page authority, and links?  Or, am I better just leaving the old web site out there and concentrate on the new web site with the new domain name? Both web sites have 1 or 2 organic search results in the top 10, although the only organic search result that really relates to my business is "wireless design consulting" which is #8 for, although I think it is something like #10 for All other organic search results are less than 50, which is, of course, useless. (Although, #8 for is pretty impressive since it has only been live for a couple of weeks, vs over 20 years for Anyway, I am looking for advice. Should I scrap the old web site and replace its contents with the contents of, or should I leave them both active for at least a while? I plan to continue to use the domain for e-mail since it has been out there for so long. I guess the real question is whether I would gain lot by putting the clearly better content and structure of on my old, established,, or whether I should concentrate in building up organic and paid search for

    | Nanook1

  • We are having high levels of activity on one site from Ip addresses that resolve to be legitimate search engine bots. But, the cookie from our site is identifying an individual user.  Is this a real person verifying our site or a click fraud that is well disguised. Some of the clicks generate gclid strings but never any sales.

    | Eff-Commerce

  • I'm seeking best practices/articles/etc. on reviewing an e-commerce site for SEO and Google Store purposes. Does excellent Ad placement (via Google Shopping and AdWords) have better CTR's than traditional AdWords text Ads (around 20% was the last figure I saw/heard which represents the percentage of people who click on an average AdWords ad).   Thanks in advance!

    | alankoen123

  • Hey All, So over the next few weeks we are switching over a clients domain to a new one. Each of the old pages on the old domain will have a 301 redirect to it's new contextual page (with the same content). My question is this, we currently have multiple PPC campaigns running for this client and the ads are pointed towards the old domain so the ads will redirect over to the new domain. My question is this, will Adwords look at this redirection unfavourably? If so, then I will have to duplicate each ad (100's of ads) with a new destination URL (since if I edit the current ads they will lose all past performance history).  Obviously for branding I'm going to have to probably change the display URL eventually but for now I'm looking at the BIG issues that could occur. I would normally call Google and ask this question but I don't want them to flag anything in my account just in case this is looked unfavourably. Thanks! Jon

    | EvansHunt

  • Hi. I am using keywords in my Destination URL in Adwords. So This was done by someone else and I am trying to understand the full meaning behind this. If I go to the page it links to, it is just the homepage of the website but obviously shows up in Analytics as a landing page that stills out from the general landing page of homepage / Is that the reason so its easier to track the data? I would have though using the Paid referral in Analytics does this better? Any help be great. Thanks

    | YNWA

  • Dear community, I was doing some research within Google Webmaster Tools (WMT)  keyword data when I noticed that the impressions within this tool are quite different compared to the keyword impression data provided by Google AdWords (ADW). Some specs about the situation: Date: December 2014 (31 days). Keyword: brand + main keyword* (e.g. amazon shoes, if Amazon would have been the client) Visitors come from: the Netherlands (>97%). Search volume: 3,8 K for this branded keyword last year (December 2013), of which >99% came from the Netherlands (source: Google Keyword Planner). Search query data: "impressions" for Google WMT (organic keyword impressions) and “impressions” for Google ADW (paid keyword impressions). Of course the ADW keyword is [exact]. So, what's wrong? The data doesn’t match, while I expected approximately the same amount of impressions assuming the keywords are: both [exact] keywords; (check! ) within the same period of time; (check! ) the Ad is being displayed "all the time" (check! ) the domain/page is being indexed "all the time" (check! ) How much of a difference is there? Organic impressions: 7,4 K (source: Google WMT) Paid impressions: 2,1 K (source: Google ADW) Note that the search volume according to Google Keyword Planner of last year is somewhere in between: 3,8K. The search volume from this tool of last December is not available just yet (but I don’t expect much difference here since Google Trends shows a steady search volume). If the difference would have been 10-20%, I wouldn't be surprised at all, but this is huge. **What could explain the differences? ** If a lot of people were using AdBlockers (they do, but not nearly as massively (around 10%)). If we would have made mistakes in AdWords: budget, bidding, targeting etc. - This is not the case, got this confirmed by the manager who double-checked the data and settings. Also: since it’s a branded keyword it’s really cheap for us and easy to get high quality scores. If we would have made mistakes regarding indexing/crawling that would have caused an extreme loss in domain visibility in the SERP's: possibly caused by robots.txt, a noindex-tag, server problems etc. This was not the case and Google WebmasterTools says the average position was 1,0 during the complete month. "Something else" went wrong during that specific period of time with this specific domain. I don’t think so because I checked multiple months and multiple other domains of other clients. These gave me the same relative results (okay, some were a bit closer: 30 K paid impressions vs 62 K organic impressions for instance, still a big difference). What other possibilities are left? The impressions from Google WMT and Google ADW are not the same, even though they are called the same and therefore suggest they should be (about) the same. AdWords just randomly fails to display and/or measure some branded ads (even though there is plenty of budget, bidding is fine and QS is 10/10). Definitions of "impressions" for both tools according Google: AdWords definition of "impressions" WebmasterTools definition of "impressions" Hope someone has some more suggestions or useful links! Thanks in advance! Ektor Tsolodimos

    | BlueMango

  • I noticed for a while that our competitors don't rank for any keywords organically and they are using paid ads to gain traffic.  They have been in the industry for over 6 years and we are only new and have ranked above them already.  How can we find out if a competitor has been penalized? Thanks

    | edward-may

  • Hi everyone ! For years we've had our e-commerce site targeting only our Brazilian customers, thus our domain name was . We've built a very strong AdWords account with the URLs within this domain and we've got a considerable SERP positioning as well. Now we've also bought the (without the country extension ".br"), to target international clients. Our plan is to build the site using the following structure: and also (for our brazilian audience). We thing that just dropping off the original and redirecting everything to would not be a good move, as we would need to redo all our AdWords campaigns (the domain is different) and would lose all our reputation/quality score. In terms of SEO I don't know how Google would react with the redirects (if we would keep the quality or not). So our plan is to keep both the and working simultaneously, but then there's the problem of duplicate content. Should we use the "canonical" tag and if so, where should we say the original content is? Has anyone been through this before, ie. expanding a country-level domain to a .com with multiple languages, but keeping the reputation gained by the original language. Thanks for any advice!! P.S. - We've also though about setting up the new structure with subdomains such as ,,, but we though it would work better using subdirectories. Any thoughts on this is also very welcomed.

    | mobic

  • Hi! I'm looking for an iPhone app that I can set up for a client so that he can view data from Google Analytics and Facebook (new "likes," "shares", etc). Is there any such thing? I'm not a big Apple user, but he is, and I'd like to find something that would work well for him. Thanks!

    | ScottImageWorks

  • I want to optimise our marketing spend and was concerned about the high conversion rate of one of our products. When I suggested stopping PPC I was offered this advice: 'It is vital to keep spending on brand terms to prevent competitors bidding on your brand terms and taking the top positions' This this true and if so why would anyone want to bid on our brand terms?

    | FBS

  • Hi All, I've been searching the net for this for a while now and haven't found any suitable solutions. I'm looking at a way of importing conversions into Analytics. For a business I work with there is currently a split between Contact Form Submissions (we can track) Mobile Website Calls (we can track) Offline Calls (visit the website via AdWords and pickup the phone) We currently record all call data so we can see just how many calls we are getting from the campaign, and we take notes on keywords and time of call. So manually we can figure out the conversion rate. I was wondering if there was a way to mark certain visits as conversions manually? I'm pretty sure there isn't, but figured this would be the best place to ask! Thanks in advance!

    | gamnaking1

  • Hello Folks, I run an eCommerce site for video surveillance equipment. We used to be on top of page one for related terms until about a year ago and now we are in page 2 or 3. We have 2 in house full time web developers and I have tried 3 different SEO firms with very poor results. I am looking for a competent SEO firm or consultant with proven & verifiable track record. If you or someone you know has used an SEO firm or consultant with good results, I would appreciate if you could point me to them. Thank You!

    | 9Studios

  • Hi Im embarking on a PPC campaign targeting one single product that we sell. I am compiling a key word list just now and was just wondering if there is a maximum number of keywords i should be looking to target for this? Thanks in advance

    | TheZenAgency

  • I have a client in urgent need.  They have a blog that they are trying to syndicate and drive traffic towards.  Their blogs rest on individual URL's and their topics are loosely connected to the gaming industry.  We are using PR Web and planned on using Outbrain to drive traffic, but the topics got pulled due to content restrictions.  Any suggestions of tools I can use to help syndicate their blogs?  Any and all recommendations would be GREATLY appreciated!

    | jfeitlinger

  • Is it OK to use anchor links on the main URL of an advert on Google Adwords? Example: Had a little Google, and not much was returned on the topic. Many Thanks, Alex

    | Whittie

  • Hi all, I'm looking to market to visitors 30 days AFTER they have been to a website. Their is a coupon this business wants to run every 30 days to its' repeat customers (and if they purchase again); thus, 30 days more will resume. I'm aware that your remarketing list can capture audiences from 30, 60, and 90 days past. I'm talking about future display ads running 30 days after visitor has cookies enabled. Thanks for your help! Cole

    | ColeLusby

  • Hi Mozzers, I am starting a PPC campaign for a website that sells high-end products. The search volume for the generics is very high but I think the conversion rate on those will be quite low given the price of the products. Does anyone have any experience in doing PPC for high-end retailers and what type of keyword I should be bidding on? Thanks!

    | KarlBantleman

  • For example, if I sell widgets and I want my ads to appear for "cyber Monday widget deals" If I add "Cyber Monday" I'll come up for every search related to cyber Monday.  The alternative seems to be putting every possible word combination in such as... blue widget cyber Monday deals
    red widget cyber Monday sale
    cyber Monday yellow widget
    big widgets cyber Monday for sale
    etc. As you can see there are almost an infinite number of possibilities there making it unfeasible without doing something programmatically such as... X = Widget Descriptor (empty is a possible value)
    ie: big, red, green, blue, fast, slow Y = Widget Synonym (plural considered possible value)
    ie: widget, widgets, wiggy-what Z = Deal Synonym (empty is a possible value)
    ie: deal, sale, promotion, promo Query Structures...
    X Y Cyber Monday Z
    Cyber Monday Z X Y
    etc. Is there some kind of query match I'm missing as an alternative to this programmatic brute force method?  How have you guys executed this?

    | tatermarketing

  • I have about 613 furniture products in Google shopping and am getting about 2 clicks a day. Any tips on getting more clicks? Current budget is $10 a day at $0.01 per click bid. Should I increase my bid per click or add more products or both? Thanks!

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • Could anyone suggest a reasonably priced service for setting up an Adwords campaign? My monthly advertising budget is no more than $2,000 and the objective to target Google Adwords and Yahoo/Bing. There are companies providing this service but they seem to require fees of $750 to $1,000 per month for their services for a six month commitment and a mimimum advertising spend of $5,000 per month. Certain tools like Wordstream are available for around $300 per month, but I am not sure how much value they add, if in fact they facilitate the process. Also, I am not sure if advertising spend is completely wasted unless I create special landing pages just for PPC. My category, commercial real estate in New York City is very competitive with keywords ranging form $5-$15.00 click. I would greatly appreciate some advice regarding PPC. Thanks, Alan

    | Kingalan1

  • As the title suggests, what are the best paid tools available for content promotion?

    | RikkiD22

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