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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Howdy Moz! Let's say we have a client out of Washington called "Acme Plumbing".  Of course they rank #1 for their own brand, but the trouble we found is directly above in the PPC section. It appears that a competitor is targeting the brand by including some of the branding in the ad itself.  Specifically, it has the following format: Acme Plumbing - Quality and Affordable Plumbing Service
    Submit zip code for free estimate Clicking on the link takes you directly to a lead generation form.  Considering the protection on the name (™), is this ethical or even legal?  Or do we just have competitor that found a sneaky way to try to divert traffic? Google's guidelines are clear about ™ violations.  What about general branding, especially with established companies and regional brands?

    | AaronHenry

  • Hello guys,
    im manager the PPC campaign to the company that im working.
    Its a t shirt printing company.
    I know how PPC and how its work but im not an expert. So far the campaign is working and we getting clicks and and leads. But, i cant understand perfectly how to look at the information and decide whether the campaign works well. For example : What is considered a good conversion ratio?
    What is considered a good conversion cost?
    How do I get a final summary of how much i spent and how much was the income ? I add tracking code to the 2 main pages,
    The page when they leave their information - The quote,
    and the thank you - The payment page. The problem is, that we don't sale t shirts online, we are printing house so we cant know by the number of the peoples that
    land the thank you page the value of the deal, its can be 10 shirts or 1000 shirts. Is there's a way to track all the information's  but more accurately?
    To know each lead that come to our system from where he came from ? Thank you very much for your help !!

    | WayneRooney

  • I have a client who pays to be listed in a industry directory. It is now time for renewal and the directory has come to my client with their statistics, which they claim has sent over 400 visits to my clients site. Having looked in to google analytics, over the same period of time, google analytics has registered 2 visits. Could the directory's stats be true? Or is google analytics 100% correct? Any help or advice in this area would be useful, as my client is concerned if they don't renew they will lose some traffic and leads. Cheers.

    | xposurecreative

  • Hello Moz Community, I am curious to see if anyone else is experiencing the troubles I am having with Bing Adwords. In the past (not even a month ago), my companies campaigns were driving great traffic, with high CTR, Conv. Rate, and low CPC; but recently (start of February) traffic has increased (not the good kind) and CPC has gone through the roof. When I say not the good kind, I mean the traffic we are getting is not relevant at all to our industry our the campaign/ad groups targets at all.  These campaigns have been running for a good year with regular maintenance and great results. I keep up to date with all the negative words, constantly am A/B testing copy and landing pages, and keeping up to date with good SEO/SEM habits.  Since February has started like I said traffic has increased (not the good kind) and search queries seem to be more and more outrageous by the day. I guess my question is has anyone else experienced this and is it a possibility that Bing (Microsoft) loosened up their algorithm to drive more (I hate to say it) money into their pockets? I haven't heard/read anything publicly that they made such a change but I have read that they have had an increase in profit and a majority of CPC for accounts have increased without actual search share going up. Please feel free to share you thoughts about this and if you have experienced this in anyway. Thanks All, Brian

    | BrianBar

  • I've used dynamic keyword insertion variations in Google Adwords, but here's one that's a bit tricky and I'm starting to think the only way to do it is to create a unique campaign group for this keyword without DKI to pull it off. Trying to dynamically insert the keyword actiNOS, but see no way to over-ride DKI in the campaign for this term. Any ideas or suggestions, or do I need to create a separate adgroup without DKI for this term?

    | Prospector-Plastics

  • Hi there, We sell tactical gear but only "Google Friendly" items in our Google Shopping Product Listing Ads. We don't include anything that goes on a rifle, including rifle scopes. However, we see that companies like ebay and OpticsPlanet can still sell riflescopes: There's even an article by SearchEngineLand that points this out, too: So why is it that they can sell them and we can't? What advantage do they have or what have they done?

    | PatriotOutfitters81

  • Hi all! I am new to MOZ and i am trying ot set up my first client: bingadsm, adwords, social and google analytics. Only problem i am having is to link bingads and Adwords, anyone has an idea on how to solve this? Thanks in advance! Sandra

    | EyeonResponse

  • I am running a report on a website trying to find their advertising budget online (or at least what I can find and have access to). When I type in the URL and look at the overview section it has the "Ads Traffic Price" at around $2,000/mo. But when I do a full PDF report it has the price at over $11,000/mo for Google USA. What am I missing? Doing wrong? Which is accurate? I'm pretty sure they spend quite a bit more than $11,000/mo in general as they were recently bought by Google and are owned by people from Apple. How do I get the mots accurate estimation in general? Or at least on SEMRush?

    | JoshBowers2012

  • We want to create 5-10 near-duplicates of our homepage to use as landing pages – nearly all same text, but some different images.  We want to make sure Google doesn't ding us for duplicate content.  Is the best way to do that to tag each of these pages with "noindex"?

    | HopeIndu

  • I am running ads across Bing / Yahoo network. I have set up a unique destination URL for these Bing / Yahoo Ads, using Google Campaigns URL Builder. However, in Google Analytics it appears to keep showing as organic traffic from Yahoo. What may be going wrong here?

    | khi5

  • What is your experience running Adwords Search with Display select? Are you getting a better ROI then just running Adwords Search only?

    | marketvantageteam

  • Hello!  I am wondering if anyone out there has had a good experience with Adroll.  I set up a campaign a couple months ago, but have yet to see any return on my investment.  I'm now considering stopping this service because it seems to not be living up to its hype. What has your experience in using this service?

    | Gordian

  • With reports like Business Insiders Programmatic Ad Buying On Mobile Is Rising At An Incredibly Fast Clip, Here's What You Need To Know (, I'm starting to wonder if this is really an effective marketing vehicle. Personally, I avoid mobile ads like the plague when I'm on my smartphone and most ads look to me like poorly targeted junk, but I could be way off. If you've tried it out, I'd love to know what the post-click behavior is on programmatic mobile ads.  Do your mobile visitors convert on any level? Is there any ROI data you could reference?

    | MeghanS

  • Hi Mozzers, We are running ads for a client and we're using unbounce for landing page creation. Google Adwords is the main ad platform we are using right now. When you click on the ad you land on a subdomain ( and you can click on Apply which lands on the form Page of the client's site( The campaign has been auto tagged but haven't seen any data which is probably because of the subdomain unbounce page. Do you think there is a way to track unbounce via auto tagging or my only solution will be setting up manual tagging? Thanks

    | Ideas-Money-Art

  • Serious Adwords noob here. I have been reading a great deal in preparation for my first Adwords campaign. Strangely enough, I have not been able to find information that might help me determine which of my 180+ products I should begin with and use in my first campaign. I imagine that there is some sort of general criterion like the highest selling item, lowest, one meeting certain criterion in the popularity of it's keywords/difficulty, one with least competition or, most likely, something that I haven't even thought of. Does anyone have any suggestions or a link to something I might be able to read to solve this? Thanks for your help!

    | machineuser

  • Hi there, I recently remember reading somewhere that tracking code could be used to monitor sales/conversions of eCommerce payments that went through WorldPay. I've been looking around the web for news stories, forums, discussions, but all seem to be from 2007 - 2011; was just wondering if anyone knew any up-to-date info they could point me towards? Thanks

    | bricktech

  • I'm having an issue with tracking some conversions in adwords. Google Adwords is saying I have 20 estimated total conversions in an account and 26 phone conversions. Adwords is saying that the phone conversions are included in the total, so I am confused as to how the part is having a higher total than the sum. Is there something I'm missing? Thanks!

    | OOMDODigital

  • Hello! I need some insight with a problem I'm struggling with. First, some background... Our company has two business units: (1) our dental practice and (2) our insurance business. In 2013, we started using AdWords to promote our insurance business. In 2013, we also used an agency to manage our SEM efforts for the dental practice. In 2014, we plan to bring our dental practice SEM campaign in-house and manage both AdWords account internally. That leads to my question... Is it possible with the one AdWords login that we've used for our insurance business to add a second, completely separate account? And by completely separate, I mean separate reporting, separate Campaigns tab, etc. If it's not possible, whats a guy to do? Set up a completely separate AdWords account with a different email address and login? Any insights from those who have managed a similar situation would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

    | SmileMoreSEO

  • We signed up with a reviews aggregator to try to leverage Adwords a little better.  We have a 2 months trial after which we have to pay the monthly fee.
    Their technical department told us that we have to wait for up to 12 weeks for those reviews to be displayed along Google Adwords ads and of course, if we meet the other criteria, which we are. I want to know where I can find that information about the waiting time and why there is such a long time? Thanks guys!

    | echo1

  • Hi, We are a local cleaning company in Singapore specialising in all types of home and office cleaning service. My question is after the Google Penguin, does high PR but paid directory still working?
    Or it will be considered a toxic links. It is getting harder to do backlinking now so we really need to be very careful here.

    | chanel27

  • I've scoured the web trying to find some proof of whether the product listing text uploaded to GMC is in fact a factor in showing up or whether its just the title that matters. Basically, does anyone know if the product descriptions play a large factor in showing up or is it just the landing page text and the title? I also wonder just how much text is worth putting there, it seems there is a 500 character limit.


  • Hey everyone, How do I print off Google Adwords Certification certificate through Google Partners?

    | jhinchcliffe

  • Hi there, we have a website with a more than 60% bounce rate. I'm trying to find out where these visitors (the ones that are bouncing off) are coming from, to what percentage are they coming from the PPC campaign, from organic search results or referrals. I suspect that the keywords from the PPC campaign are not relevant to the website content (and hence visitors are bouncing off). Does anyone know how to check this in Google Analytics? Thanks in advance!

    | Gabriele_Layoutweb

  • Can I target my facebook adds to only those users who like a brand or page? I have an exhibition coming up next year and would like to target those who like the brand page. I know I can target on interests etc but cannot see how I can target a particular page. Any advice greatly appreciated as I am sure others would be interested if this can be done. ThanksJames

    | tempowebdesign

  • Hello community! I got a bit stuck with negative keywords management today! I have updated the negative keyword list and as it can be shared among all my active campaign I put it into the shared library. But when I downloaded the recent changes on Editor I can't get to see the new negatives and I can't check their match types. Do I have to upload the list on Editor for each campaign? Thanks

    | PremioOscar

  • Hello everyone and happy Friday from London! I have just launched a Product listing Campaign and I can't get to find any information about ad rank and how it's performing. From AdWords all I can see is: 1.number of click 2.CTR 3.Position which is zero Any suggestions? Cheers

    | PremioOscar

  • I have a bunch of $300 free adwords spend coupons (must spend $100 & only new accounts) . If any body wants to become more of a t-marketer and play with ppc , Just comment in the post. I would also love to hear how people are using t-marketing to enhance seo.

    | DavidKonigsberg

  • Hi I am considering running display adverts for a products  that we are selling. I see there is a range of different sizes available for adverts. Can anyone suggest which size advert is more successful comparatively. Also is it possible to only select different types of adverts available on the display network? I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks Pete

    | Hardley111

  • I am looking into running adverts on the display network and see there is a range of options available  for targetting potential customers I see that the list includes the following: 1 placement targeting 2 contextual targeting 3 interest category targeting 4 keyword targeting 5 demographic targeting Can anyone tell me what the best option or combination of this options is? The product I am selling is a weight loss product targeted at women. There are a few  companies currently selling this product on the market and we are not the cheapest. I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Pete

    | Hardley111

  • Like everyone else, I am looking for new ways to gather as much keyword data as I can in the wake of the dreaded (not provided) epidemic. This question focuses on keyword data from Paid Search. We all know this is very simple with AdWords because the data is right there in Google Analytics. MSN adCenter, however, is a different story as these parameters need to be added to the end of each destination URL. Here are the parameters I'm using: utm_source=Bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term={QueryString}&utm_content={AdID}&utm_campaign=Leads Everything is working well with the exception of {QueryString} which is returning nothing. I would really like to solve this issue because I do not have the time to add specific parameters for each keyword in all of my campaigns. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    | IDASEO

  • I used to rank 2 for "guitar outlet"  I just dropped to under 50th.  Only change I made was to pause a Adwords campaign where I was including that keyword.  Oddly enough, I believe I ranked high for that keyword BEFORE I added it as a keyword, but I cant be 100% sure due to lack of timing notes.  But is it common for adwords to affect organic? If not...where do I start to look for the answer as to why it dropped?

    | Retail_Endeavors

  • Hi Everyone, I have recently started doing a remarketing campaign for one of my products. To give you a bit of a general background, its a generic branded product that consistently sells well and we do have the cheapest price for it on Google, amazon and eBay. I'm remarketing to anyone who has visited that specific product page (I did want to do it to those that have abaonded cart although i'm very technically restricted by the state of our current website) and I'm wondering what would be a good number to frequency cap the number of times people can see the ad? Any general guidlines would be helpful. Thanks

    | SamMaley

  • What is the best way to approach these franchise sites that have tons of location pages with 95% same content on every page? Each location has its own unique url that just redirects to the main franchise location page, but with no uniqueness or independent blog is it even possible to get a page like this ranked locally or is the best route PPC?

    | satoridesign

  • HI all I'm setting up my first Remarketing campaign on the display network. I'm targeting those that have visited a specific product page at the moment and therefore there won't be a massive amount of traffic to remarket to - roughly no more than 50 clicks/day. My question is - what is the best bidding option for a campaign like this? Not sure whether to go for CPM or traditional CPC. I have previously found CPM much better for Facebook but obviously thats very different to Google. All help appreciated!

    | SamMaley

  • Can anybody help me with this? Our enquiries come through by email with certain details added by the potential customer e.g name, email address, phone number etc. I would also like to have the search term that triggered the conversion to appear in the email we receive. I've seen this done before. Can anybody tell me hoe this is done? Thanks

    | RobSchofield

  • We've been targeting a keyword on behalf of a client for the last few months. The page had good content and had been steadily climbing the rankings. It reached a position of #12 and then suddenly dropped off. Within 2 weeks it was out of the top 50 and is now around the 10th or 11th page (useless). This drop off matched exactly with the cleint switching on a low level PPC campaign, driving traffic from this specific keyword. The stats on this have shown a really high bounce rate (so we'll need to ask some other questions about content) - but could this be the reason that organic stats have taken a hammering? If Google associated people landing n that page from that keyword (even though its paid) as not finding relevant content, I'm assuming this could have a negative impact on the organic rank? Any Thoughts Welcome....!!!

    | Purestone

  • I have numerous campaigns set up in my Facebook Advertising account. If I have different ads in different campaigns but with the same geographic and demographic targeting, could one individual see multiple instances of my advert?

    | Superdream

  • I am trying to track goals in Google Analytics for a website that has the same goal URL for main website and various sub-domains. The main domain for example is: and the sub-domain are,, etc. but the Goal URL is same for all the sub-domains and main domain, i.e. I have Google Analytics configured to track domains and all sub-domains and I’ve already setup the goal for each sub-domain and even created the funnel as well for each sub-domain. However, in goal tracking, it always shows “0”. I am also looking forward to get some help to set up an advanced filter so I can see traffic to my sub-domains in Analytics. Thanks!

    | Visiblics

  • I need someone with a KeyWord Spy subscription and experience (or a similar tool that has Canadian data)  to do a one time CPC report that answers these questions: (1) Who are my client's main competitors in paid search? (2) What is the estimated  ad spend by the the five top competitors? (3) What keywords and ads are working best for the competitors? (4)) What is the CPC for the top 20 keywords in the niche. (5)) Any topline suggestions for my client re: next steps. That's it! I don't want to be overwhelmed with masses of extraneous detail. This should be an easy assignment for someone with required expertise. Possibility of more work to implement and/or optimize CPC campaign. Reply via PM with experience. Ideally, send a sample past report (okay to black out client names)

    | DanielFreedman

  • Hi All, It seems like just about everyone agrees that AdWords campaigns and SEO campaigns bring additional value when used in conjunction (increasing Impressions, Clicks, Conversions, etc.), but has anyone considered AdWords performance harming organic rankings by decreasing engagement metrics? I've been searching for studies, blog posts, investigations, etc. this morning and haven't been able to find anyone discussing this specific idea. Personally, I think decreased engagement for organic results would be relatively evenly distributed among those results, making engagement drops relative and thus nullifying their impact on rankings. Any other ideas out there? Thanks!

    | mac2233

  • We have been building up our reviews (with trustpilot)  over the last few months, which has been picked up by google's reviews, and on the 2 July we passed the 30 reviews mark, (takes about a week or two before it shows the reviews on google reviews). So we have had + 30 reviews for over 6 weeks now,  our score is 4.8/5  but are "Seller Reviews" is still not showing on our adwords. Is there any other reason our seller reviews would not be showing yet?

    | PaddyDisplays

  • If I target the topic "World Localities>San Antonio", what type of sites my ads will be display? Are they sites about San Antonio, like tourism guides or event listings? Or are they related to San Antonio, like a university or flower shop in San Antonio?

    | howlusa

  • Hi guys, Aside from Google certification, can anyone suggest a good training program for Adwords? I'm studying their materials, but more formal training, where I can be tested in my knowledge and improve in certain areas as necessary. I want something with videos with demonstrations. Going from organic SEO to SEM and am frightened! Thanks,

    | SSFCU

  • Hi guys, Wondering if anyone can comment on their experience using Adroll, especially in terms of it's performance in comparison to Google Adwords retargeting campaigns. Thx!

    | David_ODonnell

  • Hi Moz Community! We have a client in the manufacturing industry that is listed in for a about 75 different terms. For those that might not know, this is a paid directory site that ranks extremely well and has a very high DA at just under 90. These 75 different terms have spanned about 9,000 "dofollow" links on around 4 months back, right about the same time as the Penguin 2.0 update. The link profile for this client had around 2,000 links prior to the 9,000 additional links, and our team is unclear if we should be concerned about these paid directory links. The organic rankings have dropped a bit, but that might be because of a more general Penguin update and not be directly tied to this paid directory. I'm looking for some general guidance and recommendations in this paid directory space and help with if available. Should these links be requested as changed to "nofollow"?
    Will Google see this domain as one major domain link?
    What other recommendations/experience with "quality" paid directories can be expected? Thanks much and look forward to your comments and discussion. Dario

    | zadro

  • I have questions related Google adwords. 1. I want to use Google adwords code, remarketing and Google analytics code.Site is in OSCommerce and php based.Which thing I can use and how can I set my settings so that none of the stuff is affected by each other. 2. We are selling tours and want to track sales for our site.How can we use Google>tools>conversions to track sales?Settings and code help required.I know Google help Center link but not getting it.

    | csfarnsworth

  • Hello, I'm using AdWords remarketing, I would like to know if I can use more than a Tag on a single web page. Thank you, Cristiano

    | cristiano71

  • Hey guys, I was looking through my "Brand" campaign, and I noticed that my costs are running a little higher than I'd like to be spending. I've got my brand search term (Strutta) set on broad, since I just recently started the brand campaign about 2-weeks ago. However, I've noticed that I'm spending around $1 on most clicks even though my QS is at 9/10. In my previous experience, I've been able to pay pennies on brand search terms. I know that I have a competitor that's trying to snipe my brand searches, but I don't really want to be paying this much for branded clicks. Would it be a good idea to check my search terms, build out a larger list of exact match terms, and just go with exact match? Do you guys usually use broad in your Brand campaigns, or exact?

    | danny.wood

  • Recently, Google announced an update in de Google Analytics Adwords integration that should wield out the ancient trouble caused by changing your campaign titles in Adwords. Two months have passed, but I still see double entries for the same campaign after a (minor) title change. Are they still busy rolling out the update to all Analytics account or is there something wrong with our Adwords<>Analytics integration? What's your experience? iO9Vafz.png?1

    | RBO

  • We want to ramp up traffic from the segment "Mobile with Full Browser" under enhanced campaigns in Google AdWords. Our Google rep said that it would be best to do this from within the same campaign. We're contemplating pulling the mobile traffic conversion effort out into its own campaign in order to more easily track performance. Background: We bid down traffic from "Mobile with Full Browser" to -100% because initially it performed poorly. We've improved our mobile experience and we want to try again. We're contemplating building mobile versions of our current ads using the AdWords functionality that does this, and watching how the mobile ads and the segment "Mobile with Full Browser" responds this time. Separate campaign or from within the same campaign. What would you do? Thanks,

    | mbiskup

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