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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • Do you guys have any tools you recommend for spying on your PPC competition? Trying to figure out which competitive intelligence tool offers the most value.

    | qlkasdjfw

  • Is there any chance to block google adwords (not google adsense) firefox/chrome/internet explorer 🙂

    | FCRMediaLietuva

  • Hi guys, I'm completely new to PPC. I want to hire a firm to help drive PPC traffic to credit card landing pages. Our starting budget is limited ($2,000/month for everything) but can grow to about $5,000 if we see results. My questions are: Where can I find a list of good PPC firms that fits my vertical (credit cards) and budget? What are the key questions I should ask a PPC firm before I hire them? Is there a "Beginner's Guide to PPC" type of whitepaper, ebook, article, or course I can take to educate myself? Thanks in advance!

    | Brand_Psychic

  • I have a current Adroll program running for the company I work for.  We recently began using Adsense again as well.  My questions is, what is the overlap of these 2 networks?  I know you can select an option in adroll to have it not advertise on the Google network, but how large is that overlap?  And are there benefits of using both programs simultaneously (just a larger reach)?

    | nat88han

  • Our company does not want it up there. Is there a way to remove it without have to change the conversion tracking code? It's quite a pain given our internal processes to overhaul many conversion codes. Is there an easy way to do this so that we can simply remove the tag?

    | CSawatzky

  • Does any of you had any experience on large 5k+ shared negative keyword lists impacting normal campaign negative keywords in Adwords even if they are not selected on these campaigns? And a second question; does anyone know how selected negative keyword lists can be removed from a campaign? I seem to be able to add them but not to remove them... Cheers!

    | hellemans

  • Today I had a colleague ask me if Google Adwords will penalize text ads that have display URLs that land on 404 pages.  I fully understand the policy that the domains in display URLs and destination URLs have to match up or Google will disapprove the text ad.  However if the display url contains the proper domain (and a target keyword phrase for a file folder) will Google penalize the text ad quality score if the display URL lands on a 404?  I had trouble finding specific evidence for this.

    | VanguardCommunications

  • Hi Can anyone recommend any UK based Facebook CPC advertising suppliers with proven and demonstrable track records happy to work on small/test budget to start ? cheers Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

  • Just had a question regarding Google Adwords. I have an e-commerce store ( in the furniture niche and I originally was planning to create a different ad group for each product. Since I have 1300 products I would have 1300 ad groups. However a lot of the products don't have enough search volume and Google won't display my ads. Then I decided to get a bit more broad. I plan on having an ad group for each sub category on my website. For example, modern lounge chairs, modern arm chairs, modern sofas, etc. Question: Is this too broad? Will the ROI be terrible because of this? Thanks!

    | The_Kiwi_Man

  • We have a problem that just came up out of the blue with Google, in particular Webmaster Tools & our Merchant Center.  We're getting a 404 errors for 1000s of pages in both of these applications, but the pages are working just fine.  Our shopping campaigns have been hit hard as many of our top products have been suspended from our merchant feed.  Webmaster tools is giving us 1000s of 404 errors to product & category pages alike. But every page returning a 404 error is working.  We've contacted Google and they mention that they are not getting a 404 error, but their crawler seems to be.  Has anyone ever experienced this?  What could be causing this? Thanks for any input.

    | paulcorrado3

  • Hey Everyone, I think I know the answer to this but I'd like to get some confirmation. I currently have a landing page at "", it's a separate domain in which only the landing page exists and not a vanity URL which redirects. However, the navigation and all the links on  "" actually link out to "". The domain / landing page  "xyz" has the same analytics tracking code as domain "". My question is this, if I use Google URL builder to create custom URL's to track for each ad that I'm running in Adwords, will this data show up in the analytics of "abc" even though it's a separate domain because it has the same analytics code? In other words, does campaign data show only if the domain and the google analytics code line up, or does the domain not matter and as long as you have the same analytics code (despite two separate domains) that campaign data (built through Google URL builder) will show? My hunch and best guess it that as long as the analytics code is the same (regardless of a separate domain) that the data in campaign will show with the custom URL's I build. I'm aware that I can test this and I will but I'd like to get an idea from the community first to make things easier. Anybody have experience with this? Answers greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    | EvansHunt

  • Hi, We have recently enabled auto tagging in our URLs but not sure if tagging is working correctly. Does Google Analytics shows the utm parameters also in URLs in Google Analytics OR Google shows only the base url (after removing utm parameters) in Analytics. For example: Will be shown as is in Google Analytics under PAID Tab or only will be shown and the utm parameters will be removed in Analytics if auto tagging is enabled. Thanks in Advance 🙂 Regards Anirban

    | vivekrathore

  • We have noticed a  noticable (typo correction) drop in Adword sales since switching to the new Google Shopping Campaigns in Google Adwords. I have just posted a comment to a Fellow Mozzer on here, as this reflects in his question too. Has anyone else noticed this?

    | BruceA

  • Hi, I manage 3 domains and am just about to start doing some Branded PPC (to start with) to promote these the problem is that that 2 of the domains sell the exactly same products under the same brand names. What is the most efficient way of setting this up. Obviously by setting up separate accounts and using the MCC I can manage the accounts accordingly, but i am going to be increasing my competition for my own brand terms. As far as i am aware google is not happy with you mixing 2 domains in one account? We also sell our products via a wholesale channel so there is competition with other competitors as well. The 3 sites is slightly different so has less overlap and its not until we hit generic terms that there is some form of competition, between site but i am not worried about this. Can you help? Regards Ben

    | benjmoz

  • I've been thinking lately about employing re-marketing in AdWords, and have been doing some research on it. My findings keep pointing to the fact that you can't target only people who visited your site but didn't convert. I keep thinking this cannot be true because it's simply too ludicrous to be. Why else would you want to use re-marketing? Can someone please either confirm or deny this? Thanks

    | UnderRugSwept

  • In one of my AdWords campaigns, I've noticed that certain ad groups consistently convert twice as badly on mobile devices as other ad groups do. Is there a way to adjust mobile bidding only for certain ad groups, or can you only control this campaign-wide?

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi, I am currently setting up an Adwords account and wanted to know if you can run multiple websites through one account. We have 2 domains each promoting a different one of our brands and i was wondering the best way to run the account. Regards Ben

    | benjmoz

  • Hi, I was wondering how can I change the reservation system that appears in the SERP when someone search for  a hotel. Now, the price that is showing is from Of course the Hotel wants to use its own reservation system. How could I do that? If It's possible, of course. I have attached an screenshot so that you can see an example. Thank you. serp.jpg

    | teconsite

  • I had created a manual Google Shopping Feed that was working fine, and then someone well meaning put a block in my robots.txt file so Google couldn't read the images folder. because of this, Google now won't accept my feed. I changed the robots.txt file to allow them to read the images again, but it's been 3 days now and I'm still getting the error saying my products are disallowed because the robots.txt file won't let them scan for images. Does anyone know how long it will take for Google to see it again?

    | sparrowdog

  • I have a client who tracks leads via URL destination goal completions in Google Analytics - when a visitor hits their "quote form" thank you page, a "goal" is completed and thus a lead is tracked in GA. After that, none of the sales process is passed through to GA - The client enters data from form submissions into their CRM software, without any way of knowing which leads came specifically from PPC, email marketing, social, organic, etc., making determining true ROI impossible. We're wondering what the best way is to pass through the traffic source to our client, so they can attach it to the individual lead in their completely manual CRM. Mainly they care about CPC traffic. Any ideas?

    | VTDesignWorks

  • Hello, I have an AdWords account whose landing pages point to (i.e.) I've  been using this account for ages, it has a good score and history, so I want to keep it. The first question is: may I use landing pages on different subdomains within the same AdWords account (and in the same root domain)? I.E. ( and 2nd question: the www subdomain has good subdomain metrics (authority /trust and, generally, links) while the "cheese" subdomain has not (no backlinks at all). Do I get any benefit in Adwords (like quality score or other) if I publish my landing pages under a subdomain with better subdomain metrics (or number of links)? Or should I just go with even it has no authority at all? Thank you, DoMiSoL Rossini

    | DoMiSoL

  • Hi all, I'm running through traffic figures from May as there was a huge spike. This is down to a spike in Adwords, specifically the Display Network. In May 2014, there is a total of 4337 placements. In April 2014, there is a total of 1561 placements. With nearly 3000 new placements where the ad could be shown, would anybody be able to explain as to how and why this has happened? I've run through the change history, and nothing i've done explains the extra placements. Auto add placements was on, but has been on for 12 months with no more than 50 extra per month. The only change that has been done that may link is I've added a mobile phone extension on ads displayed on mobile devices? The significant extra cost has been of no benefit to the campaign, as the advert displayed on various apps, forums and irrelevant websites.Would be great if anybody could shed some light here! Thank You

    | Whittie

  • Hello, What's the top 5 things to keep in mind when doing PPC in a competitive ecommerce market? Our competitors are buying PPC leads based on gathering long term customers that only have to get bought once and then they are repeat customers with no more cost. Thus, PPC cost is through the roof in this niche. Anyways, what's the top 5 pieces of advice you would give and you're also welcome to reference any good or harder to find references for me to read or watch. Thank you, Bob

    | BobGW

  • Ok, the company I work for has had a paid listing on This was started long before I took over the marketing. We get no real value from Thomasnet, just a lot of solicitation for unrelated things. And my company has been paying $15,000 a year for this listing. Thomasnet is a huge waste of money and I want to cancel it. The problem is that I do not have a good understanding of the link value from Thomasnet. They have a high domain authority and we have a good number of links from them because we pay for the listing. If we stop paying, those links go away and I am afraid it will hurt us in our rankings. Any insights? Thanks!

    | dloeschen

  • Hello Dr Moz'ers So we have a new competitor in our market (6 months) that has basically copied our business model 100%, grrrr. We have been in the market since 2008 .This new website is ranking well considering how difficult our market is. This new website is using the re-targeting display advertising and within 6 months his Moz data is showing around 45,000 back links, is this because of the re-targeting display advertising? Is there any link juice from the re-targeting display advertising because the MOz data says the site has 100% follow even though its an image. Cheers

    | supps

  • First let me say that we don't care that much about Adwords. We were spending about 20 bucks a month and we never optimized it, tinkered with it, or cared that much. Business is booming for us just with organic search and referrals from happy customers. (We're a blog writing service called BlogMutt. Motto: We work like a dog to fill up your blog.) But we just got suspended from Adwords. After multiple inquiries and multiple unhelpful responses, we got a note that said: "Please note that your website contains matter which states your site's SEO increases. Anything which relates to SEO is not allowed as per Google Policies. Please make appropriate changes to your website." Now, we don't say your site's SEO increases with BlogMutt. What we do say is what everyone says, that blogging is a best practice for any modern marketing effort. We certainly are less clear about improving search rankings than, for example, Why is it OK for Moz, but not for us? Don't get me wrong. I think Moz should be able to continue advertising. I'm just wondering how we got into the Adwords crosshairs. Any thoughts?

    | scodtt

  • I have a PPC campaign for a client with standalone landing pages with a form, not reachable from the website (although in the same domain). I've added the AdWords conversion code to the "thank you" page and I also added a Goal in
    Google Analytics whose counter is increased every time the thank you page is reached. This way I can track conversions with both AdWords and Analytics. Is that correct? Should I import back in AdWords the goals from Analytics, as suggested in the AdWords account? I have another landing page with a form in the website, where I send users coming from
    organic search, so I set up a second goal in Analytics for the thank you page of this form. Is this the reason why  I am supposed to import in AdWords the analytics' goals, so that I could see both kind of conversions in both accounts? But the most important question is:  If I send both PPC/organic visitors to the same landing page is there still a way to separate PPC from Organic conversions? Thank you very much for your advice. DoMiSoL Rossini

    | DoMiSoL

  • Hello, I would like to know if it's possible to add Coremetrics tracking tags in Google Adwords while the auto tagging functionnality is on. The point of doing this is to be able to track in both Analytics systems the performance of the PPC campaigns while still having Adwords to use Google Analytics conversion data. Thanks, Guillaume

    | guiberube

  • My company is in the process of updating how we track conversions in Adwords and Analytics. One prgrammer suggested importing Analytic goals into the Adwords account. I am extremely hesitant to do that because I know that Analytics and Adwords don't always play nicely together. Does anyone have any experience (positive or negative) around this. Pros and cons? Should I keep the tracking separate? Also, FYI, our flow does not employ the traditional "thank you page" conversion model. We have java scripts and onload events that fire when goals are triggered. I am not a programmer so I am a little out of the loop on how it all works. All I know is that I want conversions/goals to be attributed to the correct channel. Help me mozzers!

    | Vacatia_SEO

  • Hi everyone, I have more of a SEO background than a PPC one so excuse me if this question seems simple. I have inherited a Google Adwords campaign and want to accomplish the following Fix the campaign so the ads only appear in positions 1 – 3. The campaign came with a relatively good structure. Is there some way I can fix the settings to accomplish this? Conversion rates are high but quality scores vary from 6 -10 Thanks

    | Carla_Dawson

  • I am not sure if this is the best place to ask a PPC question but figured it was worth a shot. I am trying some different keywords around the word "wedding venue" for instance "amazing wedding venue" or "iowa wedding venue". This is the landing page, . What I can't figure out is why I am getting 1/10 quality score for most of those keywords. Is there something I am missing?

    | EcommerceSite

  • Looking for a way to Dynamically insert several Google Forwarding numbers to our website. Looks like Mongoose will do what we're looking for, but wondering if anyone else had suggestions for tracking companies? Thanks!

    | PlanetDISH

  • Hi everyone.  We have implemented the new google ad tracking code and realized that on paid keywords we get the keyword in our UTMZ tracking cookie.  However, if someone just searches a term we are not paying for we get "not provided" in the cookie.  Does anyone know how to resolve this issue so we can track our keywords?

    | Sika22

  • At the campaign level I see my CTR has been suffering for the last week or two relative to the past few months. It could be a few bad actors casing the downward trend.  How can I quickly and easily locate specific keywords that are trending in the wrong direction? Why filters will not work... They don't take change into account.  I want to identify Keywords that were once doing well are now doing poorly.  Filters will yield all keywords that are doing poorly which is not what I'm looking for.  Obviously I could be missing something with filters but this is my understanding. A few other points to note... I have search partners turned on.  I do not want to take this traffic into account in my analysis. I'd also like to determine if it might be an ad that's not performing as well as it once was.  I assume the same method used to find poorly trending keywords can be applied to ads as well but if not, is there a solution for this?

    | tatermarketing

  • I have a single campaign and this is what I want. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri to have a budget of $270 per day
    Wed to have a budget of $324 per day
    Sat, Sun to have a budget of $432 per day Currently, the only way I can see to do this is to have three separate campaigns, which is very disagreeable. Please tell me there's something I'm overlooking. Thanks

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Hi guys, I need some assistance. We recently removed and disavowed links to our site and I believe it has been about 3 months but I can't see much of a change. Can anyone help me with a filter for GA to be able to measure my organic traffic growth and my Paid search traffic growth. I was also wondering, because organic traffic is determined by variables like fresh, relavant and key phrase rich content constantly being posted, good seo practices etc is there any good way of measuring organic traffic growth vs paid? Please help out where you can.

    | iBags

  • Hi all, Any ideas as to why AdWords and Analytics are showing different Paid Search conversion numbers for me when I check on a daily basis? Both accounts are linked, they share the same destination URLs to trigger a conversion, some days each reflects the same amount of conversions, then some days it's anything from 1-5 conversions different (Analytics is always the one to show more). Thanks M

    | Martin_S

  • I'm an online marketing consultant and I work with a variety of agencies who handle Adwords.  I keep running into an issue where agencies want to set up Adwords in a proprietary account for my clients rather than in the client's account and manage it through MCC.  I have just run into again and this time the agency claims they are protecting their Adwords "secret sauce" but that the client will still have full access to keywords, negative keywords, Ad copy, etc.  It just doesn't pass the sniff test with me. Can anyone tell me if there are some legitimate reasons for an agency to do this other than to simply try to hold data hostage so that clients can't leave them without loss?  I am inclined to tell my client they should run away screaming, but thought I would bounce it off you smart people first. Thanks!

    | farlandlee

  • Hey there, We got cold called by "Vertical Search Works" - and while it sounds great (low CPC compared to our current PPC stuff) on great networks (DIY, HGTV), no contracts, pause anytime... But RipOffReport has two bad reviews on them and I have not been able to search out anything else on them online. If anyone has insight before we start working with them, let me know! Thanks!

    | WineCellarInnovations

  • If you do a search for something like "protein powder"  there are the sponsored ads where you can shop.  Does anyone know if there are any guidelines against naming a product with "Clinically Proven."  For example, "Clinically Proven Protein Powder."  Any guidance, insight, or links helping to answer this question would be appreciated.

    | jbmac

  • Hiya Mozzers, I'm looking for a tool to create fancy SEA reports in. I'm doing it manually in Word right now and that just takes far too much time and just isn't pretty. We're a small marketing-as-a-service agency and SEA is one of the services we offer, but we're not an Adwords certified partner yet (because we don't have the 10.000 a month yet). So that's to give you an idea of our company size. We're not looking for something big and expensive. Would love to hear some idea's on tools to use! Sophie

    | Sophie-Kool

  • Here's what my .htaccess looks like: Options +FollowSymLinks
    RewriteEngine on #RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^beta| [NC]
    #RewriteRule ^(.) - [L]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^(R|S)-$ / [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^index.php/(.*)$ / [R=301,L] #group/category/country/region/city/area - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(buy|rent)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,()-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,_-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6 [R=301,L] #group/category/country/region/city - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(buy|rent)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/$2/$3/$4/$5 [R=301,L] #group/category/country - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(buy|rent)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/$2/$3 [R=301,L] RewriteRule ^(apartment-for-(sale|rent)-in-makati)/sort(-)?$ /$1 [R=301,L] #lease/commercial-properties
    #/category/country - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(lease|buy)/commercial-properties/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/commercial-properties/$2/$3 [R=301,L] #/category/country/region/city/area - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(lease|buy)/commercial-properties/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,_-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/commercial-properties/$2/$3/$4/$5/$6 [R=301,L] #str/country/region/city/area - redirect error pages
    RewriteRule ^(short-term-rentals)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/$2 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^(short-term-rentals)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,-]+)/([a-zA-Z0-9,_-]+)/sort(-)?$ /$1/$2/$3/$4/$5 [R=301,L] #--Landing pages -start
    RewriteRule ^apartment-for-rent-in-makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^apartment-for-sale-in-makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^for-rent-in-makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^for-sale-in-makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^apartment-for-rent-in-manila(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^apartment-for-sale-in-manila(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^serviced-apartments-ho-chi-minh-for-rent(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^residential-housing-bangkok(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^homes-for-sale(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^houses-for-sale(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^real-estate-listings(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^house-listings(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^rent-in-makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^manila-apartments(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^house-for-rent-manila(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
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    RewriteRule ^house-for-rent-in-saigon(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
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    RewriteRule ^buy/houses/philippines/national-capital-region/makati/dasmarinas-village(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/apartments/philippines/national-capital-region/makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/apartments/philippines/national-capital-region/paranaque(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/apartments/philippines/national-capital-region/taguig/fort-bonifacio-global-city(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/condominiums/philippines/national-capital-region/makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/condominiums/philippines/national-capital-region/taguig/fort-bonifacio-global-city(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/houses/philippines/national-capital-region/makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/houses/philippines/national-capital-region/muntinlupa(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/houses/philippines/national-capital-region/pasig(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/houses/philippines/national-capital-region/quezon-city(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/office-spaces/philippines/national-capital-region/makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^rent/apartments/philippines/national-capital-region/makati(/sort-([a-z0-9-]+))?((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=seoModule&sort=$2&page=$5 [L]
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    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()'-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/(([a-z(),.-]+)(-[0-9]+)?)(/([\d]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=2&country=$2®ion=$3&city=$4&area=$5&category=$1&page=$9&etc=test2 [L]
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    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/$ /rent/$1/$2/$3/$4 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=1&country=$2®ion=$3&city=$4&category=$1&page=$7 [L]
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    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=2&country=$2®ion=$3&city=$4&category=$1&page=$7&etc=TEST [L] #-REGION #rent|buy/CATEGORY/COUNTRY/SORT
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/sort-([a-z0-9-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=1&country=$2&category=$1&sort=$3&page=$6 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/sort-([a-z0-9-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=2&country=$2&category=$1&sort=$3&page=$6 [L] #rent|buy/CATEGORY/COUNTRY/
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/$ /rent/$1/$2 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=1&country=$2&category=$1&page=$5 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)/$ /buy/$1/$2 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain&group=2&country=$2&category=$1&page=$5 [L] #rent|buy/COUNTRY
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z,-]+)/$ /rent/$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^rent/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain_categories&mainDivision=1&country=$1&group=1&page=$4 [L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z,-]+)/$ /buy/$1 [R=301,L]
    RewriteRule ^buy/([a-z()-]+)((/)([0-9]+))?$ index.php?cmd=divisionsMain_categories&mainDivision=1&country=$1&group=2&page=$4 [L]
    #-- <files 403.shtml="">order allow,deny
    allow from all</files> deny from
    deny from
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    deny from
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    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from Thanks in advance!

    | esiow2013

  • This is not going to be a long post but I wanted to get something out there that a lot of other business owners might not understand. I have several different PPC campaigns that my business partner and I personally run. The campaigns are all doing quite well with a high rate of return. Never has Google contacted me (other than for surveys, which I did wind up receiving 5 blue gym bags with the Google insignia on them) and never did I think they would. The campaign they called me on wasn’t a particularly large campaign. Right now the PPC spend is around 3000/month. I understand this isn’t a little bit of money, but at the same time it’s not in the millions like most of Google’s top sites. The thing that concerned me most was the reason for their call. A nice woman introduced herself and said that the campaigns were nicely run except for a few changes. She went on to tell me of a couple of updates in the PPC realm (this happened to me yesterday – Feb 28). She said within the past few months they were rolling out a new way to target their content network and for most people they were able to save 35% (that was a number she mentioned) with the tactics she was going to suggest. My background lies in mathematics and finance (somewhat related) and I tend to know when I am either being sold or being tricked into being sold. Through the whole list of things she mentioned that would help as she was walking me through she mentioned that it was a good idea to up the bid on the content network. That way we would have more chances of being seen and it would help with out conversions. This by itself seems like decent advice, but our bid for the content network is not cheap. If they are calling every small – medium business and telling them to up their bids, we are going to have a dilemma on our hands. The dilemma being that the AdWords placement is going to cost a heck of a lot more. She said that even if we up our bid, we are not likely to pay the full amount. She wants us to have a repeat conversation on Monday. One side of me was a little upset after the conversation but all they are doing is simply up-selling. They are raising the rates through what I guess are fair business practices. A lot of business owners might just take the advice of a Google representative and not think twice about it. This means we have thousands to hundreds of thousands of people at this very moment upping the bid on their content network. If they can even get a small proportion of people to increase their bids - let's say 10% - the other 90% will start getting less shows and eventually increase their bids. Also, the people that have higher bid amounts in but aren't paying the full amount will start getting closer and closer to the amount they put in as their maximum bid. This wouldn’t be alarming to me but this is the first and only time I have ever heard from a Google representative. I can’t say I didn’t see this coming but at the same time I was definitely taken aback. I am curious to know what the MOZ community has to say.

    | JacobEdward

  • Hi guys Has anyone used tools like spyfu before? I need to find out how much the top competition in my market is spending on adwords and what keywords etc. Is spyfu accurate and how do they get that data? Thanks

    | yournetbiz

  • We're about to launch an AdWords campaign targeting users who are searching for hand-crafted furniture. The website we're sending users to has a large inventory of furniture, and all if it is hand-crafted. But there currently is no page on the site specifically communicating that all the furniture on the site is hand-crafted. So, rather than dump the user right into browsing the inventory, we want to put an intermediate step in place to say, in essence, "Hey, welcome, yes, we have lots of handcrafted furniture. In fact, all of it is hand-crafted. Here, have a look around." The art director on the project is suggesting that a modal pop-up would be perfect for this scenario. It would greet the user, who could then dismiss the pop-up and move into the site. I have two concerns about using a modal, though: Does a modal violate Google's policy against pop-ups that open new windows? Assuming we trigger the modal using Javascript, will AdsBot have any trouble crawling the content of the modal, such that it could hurt the landing page component of our quality score?

    | ydop

  • Hi there if i have my adwords for a website of mine on a different account to the one i use for google analytics on it, is there anyway to import the data? currently it will only let me link the adwords data in the analytics account if it is on the same Google account - is there a way to give permission for the data from another Google account?

    | tdigital

  • Hi All, I'd really like to up my expert game in the SEO/PPC/Web Optimization game and I'd really like to get some strong credentials. So, I'm looking for some legit certifications. Of course, besides Google Analytics/Adwords Certs, is there anything else people here recommend? Is SEMPO still relevant? Check these out: Let me know what you think! Thank you. Cheers,

    | CSawatzky

  • Hey guys, I'm trying to improve the quality score for a few of my PPC landing pages. Does any one know a Tool that can help me in the process. Something kind of like the "on page grader" but for quality score. Thanks

    | Felip3

  • Hi Wheres the form for filling in/registering your brand with Google for trademark protection in adwords ? I can only find an infringement/complaint form, which given no one currently infringing i imagine will be pointless filling it in.  I understand its possible to register trademark with Google in the first place If someone can direct me to the exact page will be much appreciated ? Many Thanks Dan

    | Dan-Lawrence

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