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Category: Paid Search Marketing

Examine the impact of paid search marketing and its relationship with organic search.

  • I was asked today what 3 Google Ad Words measurements I would track to determine of the key words and key phrases chosen for an Ad Words Campaign were working. What would YOU measure? Thank you!

    | PatriciaBeth

  • Hey all, Just took over SEM for my company, and noticed a bit of a problem with GA. Whereas Adwords has registered 141 clicks on paid campaigns that go to the site, GA has tracked only 5 vists in that time. Two things of note: The GA account was not linked to the Adwords account until today, and also, auto-tagging was not turned on. I understand these two things are important to having proper GA tracking, but I just want to make sure that there aren't any other things I should check right now to make sure I start to see tracked paid visits again. Is there anything else I should try? Cheers.

    | danny.wood

  • Hi All, Can anyone recommend good SEOs who specialise in Arabic? I've had my client's website translated into Arabic but the translation company do not specialise in local keyword research. They've translated literally I think (obviously not being an Arabic speaker, I can't confirm this). I need someone to review the translated site (only 4 pages so far), with a marketing head on, and ensure it includes the relevant local keywords used in UAE countries. Will also require deeper keyword research for a PPC campaign and Ad copy written in Arabic. If I fail to find someone here in the moz community I'll head over to oDesk, where I'll find everyone and their mother-in-law proclaiming to be the worlds best Arabic SEO 😕
    I like recommendations! Thanks, Woody 🙂

    | seowoody

  • I have one project Canvas Champ and we have been running Google shopping campaign for this project and we are getting good visits from some of the keywords. But our client has sorted out some keywords having high search volumes like “Canvas Prints” Now, We want to show our Product listing Ad for this keyword. Let me make you aware about our past efforts: We have set an auto target in Google Adwords for this particular product and make its bid around $8 and we have reviewed that product in listing for 2 days, but we didn’t see our Product Listing Ad on Google Search Result for this keyword. So Now, My concern is that, How can we show our Product listing Ad on Google SERP for this particular keyword “Canvas Prints”? Let me know if you have any confusion with my question. It would be really appreciated if I would get valuable inputs for the same. Thanks,

    | CommercePundit

  • hey guys... I am trying to figure out the best way of doing PPC. I dont want waste money doing it the less effective way. So far I have been looking at Acquisio and wordstream.. I am not sure which would be best for me or if there is other options that would be even better. I am in house in charge of 2 ecommerce websites.

    | Felip3

  • We received a cold call from a company called Division-D. They make a lot of promises which sound good (but that's what marketers do 🙂 ). Advertising on a non-Google network probably would have fewer restrictions than an Adwords campaign and they say that they are fully transparent. Would it be worth it to listen to their whole pitch?

    | Linda-Vassily

  • We're about to set up enhanced sitelinks for our main site but I'm not sure about the best way to do this given the duplicate URL rule. Ex. we have a campaign for X category of products. X category has 13 subcategories and each subcategory has 4 ad groups. So in total, campaign X category has 52 ad groups in it. We planned to do a sitelink for every ad group, so 52 for this X category of products. But the duplicate URL rule makes this difficult considering how many will be in a single campaign. Making them links to related subcategories isn't possible as we'd run into duplicates really fast. Same with About Us, Contact Us, etc. What's the best way of approaching this?

    | Kingof5

  • Hi all Got an email from a client asking about this, Ive not come across this one before.  The client has a Google + account with about 2500 reviews on their website on. They have linked this into their adwords so these show on their ppc. However, on the ppc ad it says only 650 reviews. Quite a difference!! Anyone know why this would be the case? Thanks

    | GrumpyCarl

  • Has anyone have experience doing seo for the baidu search engine? I have a client who wants to target businesses in china so we are exploring options for PPC and SEO. Any ideas or tips would be much appreciated? I was thinking of getting a bi-lingual mini-site made that would catch leads from seo and ads. Can anyone suggest any chinese PPC/seo freelancers?

    | Netboost

  • When does it make sense to create one landing page for both seo and ppc?

    | melen

  • I noticed that when I was using this tool, the data in the tables would change, often by a lot (up to 50%) when I sorted the columns. (Did nothing else, just sorted.) Since I was starting a new campaign and really needed data, I contacted Google about this and was told: "I understand that the estimates are changing in the Keyword Planner tool when you sort the data. I reproduced this on my end as well and was able to confirm that this is a known technical issue on our end." "Unfortunately the information in the Keyword Planner Tool is currently not the best source of data for your analysis." They then went on to suggest I just test things blindly. So, what do you do to get information about keyword traffic and ppc estimates?

    | Linda-Vassily

  • We have seen a massive drop in traffic this year and i am contemplation using banner ads to try to increase sales and also to help with marketing. the problem is i know nothing about doing this. I have used it in the past but to limited success and i was just stabbing in the dark. I have a few questions. Am i better to target keywords related to the product or to the people who may buy my products? Is it better for direct sales or brand awareness? What kind of ROI can i expect if i get it working well? Is it better to pay for the big keywords or pic all the low hanging fruit? Does it work? Should i employ an expert, are they worth it? Any insights into the world of PPc would be a massive help.

    | mark_baird

  • I was speaking to a SEO the other day.  He is going to be working on an ecommerce site soon.  I was suggesting that he might want to augment his SEO efforts with PPC in order to be able to show some results in the near term, as it would most likely take some time for his SEO work to be showing results. His response was that while he hasn't utilized them as much, he's found that it can take 3-6 months to get a PPC campaign to really make money.  I'm just curious if you guys feel that this is an accurate statement?

    | brettgus

  • Hello,
    I cannot find a justifiable reason as to why Google AdWords has disapproved my sitelinks. 1. My link text is descriptive of each page. For instance, I use the link text "Merchant Accounts" for the URL 2. I have four extensions within one campaign. Each have 5 sitelinks with all the same link text and destination URLs. However, only two of the "Merchant Accounts" sitelinks were disapproved from two out of the four extensions. Two "High Risk Accounts" linking to our High Risk Merchant Accounts page were disapproved out of my four extensions, one "Industries We Serve" to our eCommerce Industries page was disapproved, and one "Offshore Accounts to our Offshore Merchant Accounts page was disapproved. Why are some disapproved and not all? 3. I use Daddy Analytics to generate my destination URLs for tracking purposes, but I do not see this as being an issue since the URL still begins with the URL in bullet point 1. After reading a few threads within the AdWords community and reading the AdWords Sitelinks Guidelines, I feel as if I have followed the guidelines. Any helpful advice would be appreciated.

    | Instabill

  • Introduction to project Okay so in this short paragraph I am going to give a brief insight into the project I am currently working on and the aims and objectives of what I and my company aim to achieve. Tools Company Basically I work for a tools company who are about to launch an online website to sell and distribute their products all over the UK. Tools boring.... I know, but stay with me. I have been given the task of optimizing the website as well as creating brand presence and engagement through research, development and implementation of an engaging content strategy. Through the content I aim to add excitement, educate, and inspire the tools buying persona and ultimately bring excitement to an industry which lets just say 'doesn't exactly get the pulse racing'. In other words, I want to away with all the boring deals,promotional and and store opening based drivel (not literally all of it but you get the picture) and bring back some 'fun'. Bottom Line : Increase Sales Online I have done a large amount of research into the areas I need to cover. However admittedly I am relatively new to the world of online marketing and although I have a lot of experience in brand optimization and consumer psychology, I have a few questions to ask 'the experts' into the more practical elements which will help me execute and manage my project. I have split my queries into the different marketing areas I want to target. I do not expect anyone to help me with all, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Please try to bare in mind, I am a one man band on this so budget and time are major constraints. SEO 1. Best way to research and choose the keywords for PPC? 2. What very simple organic search SEO basics should I be utilizing? 3. How do I build my social media channels, and blogging into SEO (link building etc)? Bench Marking 1. I want to benchmark my nearest competitors Social Media analytic's so I can determine their success's and failure and also create targets for where I want us to get to. However I can't seem to find any software which allows you to conduct competitor analysis. I am using Hoot suite but this only allows me to manage and analyse my own social networks 2. I also want to do this for SEO, I know MOZ allows you to do this Research 1. How do I set up listening posts to follow whats trending in a select websites, blogs, social media platforms etc? Search the whole WWW is too broad for the kind of research I am trying to conduct. Anything Else! (literally anything!) Any other useful or eye opening tips you have for me which you feel can help me deliver this project, the more the merrier! **BEST ROI TOOLS AND TIPS......................... ** MANY THANKS!

    | robmarr789

  • I am working on compiling a list of both broad and phrase-matched negative keywords for my AdWords campaigns, but I feel like I am encountering a problem. We offer payment gateway services and business owners often search terms including online payment gateway, Internet payment gateway, credit card payment gateway, etc to see our ads. However, we have been getting bad leads from consumers searching for terms such as online payment, online payments, online bill pay, and various other phrases regarding consumers paying their bills online. We work specifically with business owners who want to accept payments and NOT consumers who want to make payments. Here is my dilemma: If I have "online payment gateway" or [online payment gateway] as keywords as well as "online payment" or "online payments" as negative keywords, then I will be blocking business owners from seeing my ads when they search the term online payment gateway. Correct? Is there any way to get around this? Am I wrong?

    | Instabill

  • I have an ecommerce website and have installed the Google Analytics Code. i am also spending the money for google adwords. i m getting clicks and as well as orders but in google analytics it show that i am getting all the traffic from organic search results whereas my daily budget get exhausted and i do get business for the keywords i bid. i want to ask is there a problem with adwords or anlytics. Or have i placed the wrong code or have placed the code not in a proper format.

    | seosogo

  • I sell niche printing and office supplies. Our site goes after certain specific keywords, and we use PPC where we compete against small companies such as ourselves, and the mega companies like VistaPrint and Office Depot.  I know about how quality score affects our PPC costs, I was wondering if these huge companies have any other advantage against us in the PPC world.  Does their name recognition give them a quality score of 10 on every keyword they buy? Is there a way to find out what your competition is paying on PPC keywords? Do they have other advantages in PPC that I may not know about?  Thank you so much.

    | Ryan_B

  • Hi - I have 2 sites in a clients adwords account which are based on the same subject, with unique content on the same subject. We're using 2 unique ads, each using the same keywords, 1 bidding fractionally lower than the other, and are trying to do is get them appearing 1 & 2, but at the moment I I can't even get them to appear on the same page. Are we competing against ourselves or is Google seeing the content as too similar to show both?

    | agua

  • Hi Mozzers, We've just imported (around two weeks ago) our Adwords into Bing and are just evaluating it. Pretty much across the board, but especially our best performing Ad Groups are showing up with abysmal quality scores. Case in point: our best ad group has mostly 10s, two 9s and one 7 in Adwords, yet nothing over 3 in Bing. Specifically landing page relevance is rated poor, keyword relevance and landing page experience as "no problem". So, what specifically is Bing looking for on landing page relevance that's dramatically different to Adwords? The Bing help references a blog post of 2 years ago suggesting increasing keyword count - yet the pages do well in organic search and adding more keywords to the copy will start to look artificial and stuffed, so I'm very reluctant to start there! Any pointers?

    | WorldText

  • Buongiorno from 22 degrees C too damn humid Wetherby UK, The other day a client wanted to know how much a ppc campaign would cost with a specific bank of keywords. So off i went and loaded in the key words and set the ads thinking it was not live.... A week later i get a tap on the shoulder asking why weve been invoiced for £xxxx oh dio mio!! The damn campaign went to live. So ive got two questions: 1. Do Google adwords automatically go to Live once youve loaded up phrases and ads, i really thought it would have made it more obvious, A " Would you like your campaign to go live" prompt would have been appreciated. 2. As a safety measure is configuring a Google Alert in Analytics to ping when paid traffic is picked up not a bad idea just so ive got a warning sytem set up so to speak. Grazie tanto,

    | Nightwing

  • We are looking for a solution that will allow us to create attractive and effective PPC landing pages with WordPress. We need to be able to easily create multiple pages with no navigation. Any Suggestions?

    | CsmBill

  • Hi We have recently set up a Product Listings ad campaign via AdWords and have seen some impressive initial figures in our AdWords account. However, when viewing data from the same period in Analytics it shows completely different statistics. For example, from 1st-16th June, AdWords shows 604 clicks and 29 conversions from our Product Listings campaign but Google Analytics only shows 23 clicks and 0 conversions across the same period. Any ideas why these variations show? Is there any additional tracking code that needs to be inserted at all? Thanks

    | instinctive

  • This morning a competitor of ours decided to go on a PPC rampage against us.  Basically our budgeting money was spent within the first hour of going live on bing.  Its pretty obvious whats going on as we had a tremendous amount of clicks all from the exact same keyword within a short period of time. Obviously first step was to contact bing and they are going to refund me a credit once they go through their process, but they didnt really give me confidence about the future.  It seems they may not be able to prevent this from continually happening.. ? The attacker used some sort of IP spoofing as the clicks were all from different IP's which is probably why it snuck pasted Bing.  Wondering what have you guys done in the past to prevent this or combat it? Thankfully it didnt happen on google

    | DemiGR

  • I have looked into DKI (Dynamic Keyword Insertion), but have not found a solution and thought that some excellent Mozzer might be able to help.  Here is the idea: We have landing pages for hundreds of cities.  The local content on each of these cities changes page to page, however the keywords that we are going after are the same.  So, I am trying to create a dynamic ad group that looks something like this: Headline: {City Name} {Keyword} Description: We cover {City Name} {Keyword}, get more info now! URL:{City Name} Please let me know if you can assist with this, B

    | Reis_Inc.

  • Hello, So here is the gist: Our company provides credit card processing services primarily to e-commerce businesses. I began managing Google AdWords in-house this past April. I started out by not excluding any countries, but received leads from merchants living in countries we could not serve due to risk of fraud. Then, I excluded countries our company could not work with to eliminate unwanted costs. I then took it one step further and targeted only countries our company can serve. My campaigns performed very well. This month, I have been averaging nearly 14 conversions per day. [I should also add that four campaigns are Search and Display, one is remarketing so it is Display only, and two are Search only. Prior to what you will read in the paragraph below, the majority of our conversions came from the Display network, but we had a significantly higher conversion rate with our Search conversions.] However, throughout all of this, we received very few conversion from English-speaking countries--primarily the US, UK, Canada, and Australia. Yesterday afternoon, July 15, I targeted only those four countries. When I came into work this morning, I saw that we received very few impressions and only 7 clicks (as opposed to more than 500,000+ impressions in one day and 1,500-2,400 clicks in one day). I am no Google AdWords expert, but I do understand that searching these terms in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia may be more competitive, which will require a higher CPC. I set it so Google manages my CPC, so I would assume this would adjust while staying within my daily budget. I do not know what to do, but am in dire need of guidance. I do not know where to look online for help and Google AdWords Live Chat is not working. Thank you in advance,

    | Instabill

  • Morning Mozzers, I am setting up a new campaign for a client, they would like to target mobile devices which evidently i can no longer do with enhanced campaigns; however i have increased the Mobile bid as much as possible and set the default CPC low to try and minimise appearance in desktop search. The client has a desktop and a mobile version of the destination page but the site will not direct users to the correct page based on their device as they are two separate domains. As such i want to know if i can specify an alternate destination URL for an ad in Adwords based on if the click comes from a mobile or desktop device? The other option is to set all my Ads within the Adgroup to have mobile as the device preference and just use the mobile landing page, but not sure if there is a neater solution here? Thanks, Tom.

    | Sarbs

  • Morning all, I have had a query regarding granting access to an MCC account for people using various platforms. Now this a pretty specific query for an area outside my expertise, and conveniently both our PPC guys are on holiday so thought i would reach out to the community. Full request is this: "On the mcc I am slightly concerned about that, from experience I have run into problems especially with granting access for usage of API’s on an account, so if for example we wanted to use marin they would need access then another wanted to use adobe they would need another and if they are all sat under the SSM teams mcc that could be problematic or we would have to set up another." Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Tom.

    | Sarbs

  • I have a PPC campaign pointing to a custom landing page.
    I also have a different webpage for the same product that is optimized to rank organically (on the same site). Should I noindex the PPC landing page so it doesn't steal the thunder from my organic webpage? If so, does noindex damage the adwords quality score? Should I just give the PPC landing page a different Title tag that doesn't cannibalize my organic page and call it a day? Does a PPC landing page need a title tag for a better adwords quality score? Thanks!

    | Rich_Coffman

  • Anyone have success with re-marketing?  If so any particular strategy? I have been hesitant to try it out b/c I personally find it a bit annoying, but I am willing to change my mind if people have had success.

    | IOSC

  • I am trying to target e-commerce merchants to see my Google AdWords ads and would like to know what cities are most popular for e-commerce businesses. I know Delhi is a huge hub in India. I would also assume U.S. cities include Boston, New York, and Seattle. I would also assume London and probably Paris as well. What other cities do you recommend for geo-targeting e-commerce merchants? Thank you!

    | Instabill

  • for example I get all these searches like "dan stoffer painter spokane"

    | Superflys

  • I hope I did not miss something and there was big news about this, but I saw something yesterday I had not noticed before. I was doing some research around Yelp and their ads and while in Chrome on a MacBook Pro I typed in and then hit space. Immediately there was a "Search Yelp:" that appeared in the Chrome nav bar. When I tried it in the actual search bar on a Google Search page I did not get that. 
    When I tried it in Firefox and Safari I did not get that. So, is there a deal between Google and Yelp or am I missing something? Best to all, 
    Robert x7vc3Di.png

    | RobertFisher

  • Hi, The keyword I want to use in my ad is trademarked, so they disqualified my ad. The trademark was specifically cited as the reasoning. I tried this across maybe 5 different ads. All disqualified The thing I don't understand is that there are like 10 other advertisers who are actively using this "trademarked" word in their ads. It's not like 1 scooted past Google, there's a ton of advertisers doing it. So how do I get past them or were they grandfathered in or something? FYI... I tried dynamic insert to see if that could my "trademarked" word in the back door, but no luck. Any other ideas? Thanks!

    | marketingcupcake

  • I do basic SEO stuff as well as marketing for quite a few clients.  But, I am wondering which directories or exposure based groups are worth the money?  Is a directory listing for $300 a solid investment to get a strong link?  Is yext a good move?  How about wildfire?  I could use some really high DA links to stack on top of the link profiles I have already built through content, etc.?  Please advise me. PS Confession:  I was once a pre-panda Fiverr link junkie.  But I am in recovery.  I have an 18 month chip and am currently making amends. 12 steps to SEO freedom baby.

    | creativeguy

  • So, here is the situation: Our company works with merchants worldwide (with the exception of those who live in excluded high-risk countries--mostly in Africa), but most of our Google AdWords leads come from Indian merchants. My CEO wants our campaigns to convert leads from other countries (i.e., the UK, Germany, US, Canada, Australia, etc.), but I have no idea how to do that without excluding India. However, my CEO does not want to exclude India from our AdWords campaigns as the leads are profitable. We simply want more diversity with out leads in terms of geographic location. I am sure there are resources on the Web about how to do this, but I am not an Adwords expert and am unsure of what phrases to search to find the answers. Direct advice or helpful links are much appreciated. Regards,

    | Instabill

  • Hey, i am building a budget for Google adwords campaign Is there a way to know from advance what should i put in MAX CPC in order to be in the top three positions? Thank you SEOwise

    | iivgi

  • Hi guys, I recently read Rand's article here and tried out the exact match symbols on my keywords. However, these don't appear to be working for me as the results aren't showing up as they do in the above SEOmoz article (attached screenshot). What am I doing wrong? Google_AdWords__Keyword_Tool-20130511-115528.jpg.jpg?resizeSmall&width=832

    | featherseo

  • Hi, I want to understand how one can tweak adwords and make first line long. I am showing the example as attachment. Please check and guide. Is this ethical ? Regards, Preet adwords.jpg

    | PreetSibia

  • I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I am in the process of setting up an adwords campaign that targets sepcific suburbs in a city. I want the ad copy to state "removalists in" with the specific suburb in the first line. e.g Removalists in Richmond Do l have to set up an separate campaign for each suburb l want to target or can l do this by having a campaign targeting all variations of the suburbs by phrase and then adjusting the ad copy so it changes for that relevant suburb search? Any advice would be a great help. Thanks

    | RobSchofield

  • I'm going to be taking over the PPC for my company.  A 3rd party currently does it but I have done a review and they have not been doing  a great job ( I spotted a few very basic mistakes), so we want to switch it to in house I have experience with PPC, and I'm confident on the basic  of it, but I was looking for a good (recent) PPC resource or guide so I can make sure I'm doing it right, basicly a ppcmoz 😉 For example current the campaigns are set to accelerated, but I have been told that is very wasteful, but the 3rd party explanation is:"We set the campaigns to be accelerated to avoid missing out on potential sales.  These can be set to standard if you wish however there is a higher chance that sales could be missed." Which is correct?

    | PaddyDisplays

  • Hello everyone. I was recently reviewing the potential of social extensions for PPC ads. Can this extension include a snapshot of Google places reviews? Have your found that using social extensions increase click through rate? Thanks

    | PeteW

  • Hi There, Need help! 🙂 Could somebody tell me how does retargeting from adwords work?. We have no impressions and its visitors have to come from google adwords?, what we are looking for is that when somebody leaves the web, they see our ad... Thanks!

    | Comunicare

  • Hi Mozzers, Just wondering how many of you had used Bing Advertising and what kind of results you got compared to Google's PPC ads? Just wondering whether or not to set up a few campaigns and trial it. Thanks!

    | KarlBantleman

  • Hi Why do our CPC in Google Analytic not match our PPC in Adword, surely they should be identical?  We have Auto-tagging switched on and data in our history is wrong so it is not a timing issue. Thanks

    | Studio33

  • Need tour Sales. Doing SEO,Classified posting and Email marketing for now with social media. Can you guys help me out.I know SEO will take time but what else can I do to bring some quick sales in a month?

    | csfarnsworth

  • My site was hit by a Penguin or Panda, for some bad linking in 2012. Ever since then I have been 100%  completely white hat, being careful who I pick to my marketing. Once burnt.... Recently, with all the hype of social media being the thing to help you boast rankings, it got me wondering about how Google really can monitor this. I saw this the other day on Elance... I need 5000 Facebook fans. They must be real looking and be coming from US IPs, Preferable real looking US accounts. If people are just going to get false Facebook fans, tweets etc.... then it is no better than all the bad linking.  Perhaps Google will come out with Puma penalty (well we have pandas and penguins)

    | Llanero

  • Hi We are currently spending approx £500 pcm on google ad words however if I increased this spend to £4000 pcm what kind of results would this achieve? For example would it just be more visits per day as the budget is larger? Also what is the best way to track the success of an adwords campaign - the ultimate goal of the campaign would be to generate a lead whether this be a phone call, email or using our book an appointment form. Our service covers a geographical area (Scotland) and for organic search we are doing well 1st pages listings for searches such as pvc doors edinburgh etc so I am unsure whether it's worth increasing my PPC spend or put more resource into SEO,  or even Facebook ads?

    | ocelot

  • recommendations sought please. for beginners 🙂 thanks.

    | layer7host

  • In a lot of my campaigns, the keyword with the highest CTR also has the highest average CPC. I'm not sure if I should lower or raise my bid. For example, right now the Adgroup Max CPC is $0.50 and the keyword with the highest CTR/CPC is at $1.60 with a QS of 7. I'm not sure whether to lower or raise this bid? It actually has the lowest amount of impressions as well. I'm not sure what to do

    | howlusa

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