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Category: Branding

Explore the topics of branding and brand awareness and why they’re important for any business.

  • It was a female brand i believe. Does anyone remember which it was or have a link? Gracias!

    | VistageSEO

  • I got hit by a penguin refresh on Oct 5th and lost over 10 #1 rankings. I'm currently #4 on the places listing for my main keyword and really trying to regain top 3 position. I created a bunch of local citation with matching info and really piped out my map listing since it is 100% complete. I'm quite stumped on how to further optimize my map listing to where i can hit top 3 positions. Does anyone have any recommendations on this issue? Thanks Sam

    | junkcars

  • We have a client that is a reorganised business and brand. But a newspaper has posted some negative video and that is coming up on 2<sup>nd</sup> position when you type in the client name in google.   The client also paid a company to try and reduce its positioning but no joy yet on that front. The client is now thinking of rebranding his complete business he also have first page positions on his major keywords but the issue is that when a customer or potential customer reads that story etc it harms them and it will only get worse. The worst example being one of our salespeople sold 10 Items to a customer for £*k and before he got home the customer cancelled saying he had read the story on the internet!! Also our competitors use it in the home to rubbish them all the time. The market this year has been very tough for us and its half what it was last year What would be your advice please ? Should we go for a brand new site with no association with the current brand name? Or how can we remove that one site negative video, we have contacted the editor who has refused to take off the news by the way that news was posted last year.

    | conversiontactics

  • Before anyone makes the suggestion, I have already read many of the articles online how to create authorship. I believe I have gone through every step correctly. Google plus is properly connected to my blog, name is same on blog as it is in google plus profile. It even appears that the rich snippets tool is reading my mark up appropriately. It's been about a month and I'm not seeing my image with my blog posts. Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a way to trouble shoot this? My image shows for my google plus page, just not my blog posts. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks. Regards, Dino

    | Dino64

  • We have about 60+ local businesses under our main brand we are hoping to manage "easily".  We are looking at these three, but unsure which will work the best: Our past vendor worked with localeze, but had some problems with axicom listings. We are leaning towards Yext, but not sure what all the differences are and if we are comparing apples to apples. Thanks!

    | kerplow

  • We all know that a thinly-veiled ad masquerading as a press release is not a good link building tactic. Of course, if the press release is newsworthy, then it can generate some real publicity and honest backlinks. My question is a bit more specific - are press releases an effective way to promote linkbait to niche websites/bloggers? Has anyone had success using press releases to promote linkbait to relevant bloggers and websites in their niche? My gut tells me that most niche bloggers are not reading press releases on a daily basis to find story ideas. I know that outlets like the Huffington Post and TechCrunch pay attention to press releases, but I'm guessing most blogs not run by professional journalists do not. Anyone know if this is a generally true assumption? Anyone know of a way to get a better feel for the type of bloggers that are signed up to get press releases from PRNewswire or similar services? (In other words, how do you figure out if bloggers in your target groups are signed up to get press releases?)

    | AdamThompson

  • Hi all, My client’s site ( has just been featured on the front page of MSN Cars, see here: and These two images feature the interiors designed by Carisma and, as expected, traffic has shot through the roof. MSN have not linked to but have cited the brand at the footer of the images. Further down the page they’ve also linked through to Bing images on the product terms, example:- My Question: Is there anything else we can do to maximise this exposure, on-site or off-site to ride the wave a bit longer? I guess this is not limited to SEO specifically, but online marketing techniques as a whole? Thanks, Woody.

    | seowoody

  • So I remember reading a while back that there were some disadvantages to posting on Twitter from Tweetdeck, but when I went back to find this information again, I couldn't find anything related to that topic. With that, do any of you Mozzers out there have any compelling reasons as to why I'd prefer to tweet directly from my Twitter account on the Twitter site, instead of on Tweetdeck!?! Any and all insights/commentary/speculations would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance!

    | NiallSmith

  • Hi - Please read this in full before you answer. I currently own a website that sells kitchen cabinets and bathroom vanities that match the kitchens. This website has been operational since Arpil 2009 and we have built good rankings over the past 3 years. The site is operated on the Volusion platform (my mistake from the beginning, but we're kind of stuck now). We are in the process of designing a new website on the Magento platform - everything will be 100% different from look, speed, the way our customers shop, content, product skus, etc. The original plan was to keep the same domain but implement 301 redirects for subpages (subpage urls would have to change) and shut down the Volusion site and transfer the domain name to the Magento site. Our current website does make money right now and we would hate to lose rankings (even if only temporarily) during the switch or have something go wrong. What I am now thinking is keeping our current website on Volusion where it is currently making money and having the new Magento site have a new name/domain. The sites would sell most of the same products (the Magento site would sell more types of vanities and accessories though). The two sites would have different email addresses, phone numbers, and mailing addresses. Is it a bad idea to try and rank two websites selling pretty much the same thing? We have competitors out there that sell the same products as us, I would just prefer to compete with myself rather then someone else. Another issue is our name, one of our competitors names is extremely close to ours and we rank for pretty much all of the same keywords and customers get us mixed up all the time. This other site would have a different name (one that makes more sense). I want to make a decision that will not come back and bite us later. I know there are a lot of bigger sites that operate tons of niche sites, and of these website could eventually be similar to that. I really appreciate your help and guidance! Thanks

    | tyler756

  • I  wasn't asking the question from a complete lack of experience but I put this question on the forum here last week…How much would you pay for a key rich domain name with the correct extension? I'm setting up a new website to sell Whitby Jet and one of the members of this forum suggested I should buy the domain name it was for sale for $300 or £200 in UK money and they thought it was a bargain.  I thought it was worth the cost even though I've never paid anywhere near that amount for a domain name.
    There is a company offering or £1500 ?!!!! I have bought key rich domain names before, which were very descriptive also but only paid the registration fee with no additional costs
    I just wondered how much members of this forum have paid for domain names. And why they thought it was worth the cost... SEO Branding etc.? By the way the company that was acting as the intermediate for my new doaminis is an absolute pain. They didn't perform the transfer process quickly until I bombarded them with emails My new domain is still not working one week down the line. In the past I bought a domain cheap and it has been working within 24 hours directly.

    | whitbycottages

  • Hi All, My question doesn't actually refer to the fluent work of maintaining a page but rather to the basics. In our Facebook page we simply "bought" ads leading to our page and got the followers over time. I don't see an equivalent option in G+. Do I need to use  regular adwords and point people to the G+ page or is there a place I can place ads inside G+? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • Hi fellow Mozzers, I'm hoping to do a bit of brainstorming if you don't mind helping out. We've never done a contest for our clients before, so want some ideas on how to get the most out of it. In Australia it is coming up to formal (Prom) time, and our client sells boys suits and girls formal dresses, so I figured it was a great time for a contest. It's a brand new SEO client, so it's quite late notice...the competition can only go for about 3 weeks because most of the school formals are around late November, early December. (Not ideal I know) The client is willing to give away one free suit, and one free dress, and I want to brainstorm some ideas on the format of the contest, e.g. what should people have to do to enter the draw? Avenues we plan to promote are: Facebook (they have 600 likers), Twitter (currently not many followers), I'm thinking Australian mummy bloggers, free contest listing websites, email database. Any other ideas for promotion? The goal for the contest is to increase brand exposure, and to attract lots of links. Looking forward to hearing your suggestions. Thanks, Karl

    | Static_Shift

  • Looking for a mechanism to increase my brand awareness over the web. Has anyone run across a site or method that has helped them expand the awareness of their brand significantly that can be measured?

    | casper434

  • I work on a project for a hotel website and look up domain names right now. But I am now not sure wether I should go for a branding of the hotel name in the domain name (e.g. "") or pick the location ("")  or a mix (e.g. " What would be your recommendation? The content (text, photos, videos) I have is a lot about the location and the hotel itself. I want to connect the Hotel page afterwards with Knowem to hundreds of social networks. My tendency is to go for a branding. Is that a good idea? Thanks for the help.

    | reisefm

  • We have recently been assigned a Google+ vanity URL for our Google page. By default, Google has assigned to us our top performing non-branded keyword. (Probably roughly twice the highly targeted search volume of our brand) My question is: Should I go with my BRAND NAME as my Google+ vanity url, or should I go with my TOP KEYWORD as my Google+ vanity url?

    | Czarto

  • Hello, Checking the Analytics part - Search Engine Optimization/ Queries - I found suprising results for my website: The website is no. 1 for my brand name but only has a 28% CTR on the brandname in the Google SERPS! Please see exactly what I mean here: I'm looking for your experience of CTR of other websites in the same situation. Do you have similar low CTR? Some background info; The website is no1 for the brandname. Sitelinks are shown. Google Maps is shown on right. In the period are no adwords advertisments on my brand name as I know. I checked several times. I cant understand where 72% go after searching for my brandname. Thanks for sharing your experience. Best Regards Daria

    | nmedia

  • It's on a very bootstrapped budget right now, but I will be trying to build awareness, build a following, and ultimately, increase sales. Can anyone help with successful grassroots campaigns where dollars for search or display ads and fresh blog content were at a minimum? The client has spent too much on product development, PR, web design, etc thus far, so I'm going to need to get some viral traction first in order to convince them to re-invest. Below is my strategy: 
    It is an online assessment that helps lawyers and law students make better career decisions by answering two questions: Which legal practice areas are the best fits for my interests and values? Which general (non-legal) career fields are the best fits for my interests and values? Tangible Business Goals: Build awareness Spark relationships with clients, prospects, and influencers Better understand buyers or potential buyers Increase website traffic Improve search engine rankings Generate leads Generate sales Targeting: 1. Law Students
    2. Prospective Law Students
    3. Lawyers
    4. Law Schools
    5. Law Firms
    6. Companies employing in-house counsel
    7. Bar Associations Channels: LinkedIn Groups Facebook Twitter Action Items:
    Find influencers on Twitter to help spread the cause using online tools like FollowerWonk. Low-hanging Fruit: Posting to primary social channels, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter. Frequency: Twitter: 3x daily Facebook: 3-4x weekly LinkedIn: 3-4x daily Forum & Blog Participation: 5x weekly Content Marketing Campaign: A contest to target winners of a free assesssment. Contest selects 4 winners, since there are several different audiences. 1. Prospective Law Student
    2. Current Law Student 
    3. Current Attorney (Law Firm)
    4. Current Attorney (In-house counsel) Contest/Giveaway: Social media activity steam in initial phases will be based around contest opportunity. In order to enter, entrants will need to either Like on Facebook and follow/retweet on Twitter, connect with LawFit Company Page on Twitter. All will be required to subscribe to e-mail newsletter. What am I missing?

    | csmithal

  • We have a line of products that are all using the same template or shell for a website structure. All have different content relating to a specific product or service, but being its a line of different products under one family, we use the same colors and template structure for consistency and branding purposes. It was just brought to my attention that using a template like this across multiple sites could raise duplicate content flags as google is reading the same template code and may not differentiate that its a family product line of sites. Does anyone have any feedback on whether this could be true or not?

    | anthonytjm

  • Hi there i have at the moment  as my main domain for my electronic cigarette company, I have now aquired and which one would be best for my main domain? i will be having mostly UK customers to keep postal cost down ect, what would be the best way to go about having my main domian changed to one of the better or .com domains, and still have  used as I have a few links posted to there. Thanks alot

    | cars111

  • I understand I can use Rel=author with Google+ for article's I write, and I understand I can use the same code for regular websites, which I'm still waiting to see show up in the SERPs, but my question is as follows... Is Rel=author appropriate for regular business websites (since we are business owners, not authors of articles), or is there some other tag that should be used which will also show our images in the SERPs? I'd like my business logo to show up in the SERPs for my business page and my personal photo to show up for my blog pages.

    | Twinbytes

  • I am looking for a Press Release Distribution Service, I know PRweb is a good one but as an Agency we launch constant press releases for our client. Just wondering if someone can tell me about a good PR Distributions services that provide unlimited Pr distribution and which are best for getting your Pr into Google News and easy to use. Also has anyone user

    | conversiontactics

  • A customer is releasing a brand new and world wide unique product in the next few weeks. I want to send out press releases to the biggest and most serious press release portals to get this news out in the world. Can you recommend me some english portals in the UK / U.S.A. and maybe Australia? 
    It's no problem if they are expensive and i don't need links in every case. Thanks.

    | leetweb2012

  • Between Google's confusing instruction on implementing rel=author and the volumes of blog posts, I'm sufficiently confused. We have a bunch of writers on our site that we'd like to expose in search and connect with their content. I'd like their bylines to link to their author page rather than to their Google+ profile.  So, I'm thinking this is what I need to do: 1. Have writers create a Google+ profile linking to their bio page on our site in the "contributor" section of their Google+ profle 2. Add the link rel=author tag to the of their author bio page like this 3. Link their bylines on each story to their author page like this John Public Is this right?  I'm working with an inflexible CMS so I have to go through IT, which means I have to get this right the first time. Any feedback/ corrections/ improvements are much appreciated.

    | Aggie

  • Hi, What I meant is should I use the above mentioned account as rel=author for category pages etc? It seems to me improper to use my account (with my picture) in a category page and to show my face in the SERPS for searches like "Toshiba Laptops". On the other hand, if in the SERPS it will show our Logo it might increase CTR... Any thoughts? Thanks

    | BeytzNet

  • I have a client that owns a Video production company.  They have a lot of video examples of all their different types of services i.e. commercial production, TV broadcast production, business videos, training videos, etc. Where should I host their portfolio of videos, should I: A:  Use a paid video hosting solution like wistia B. Upload to youtube or vimeo and embed to my own site The only videos titles with keywords that I could see bringing any type of conversions for their business would be their demo reels, for example:  "Atlanta Corporate Video Production Demo Reel."  The other videos would be the name of the video "Court TV:  Cop On Trial For Killing Wife" and therefore wouldn't bring the kind of visitors that are searching for a video production service.  This is why I'm curious about what the best hosting option is. Any advice would be a great help.

    | RonMedlin

  • Hi, Plans are in place to have an affiliate company take over the marketing, sale, and distribution of our products in one region of the 35 that we currently operate in.  The regional site is responsible for 10% of our overall global traffic.  26% of the revenue to that specific site comes from organic search traffic.  The question is whether the loss of this traffic and these pages will have any negative impact on our global SEO status?

    | Corel

  • I am about to start a brand new twitter account... I have been reading about people offering to set-up accounts with 500 followers... I assume these are spammy/fake profiles. I was thinking of looking into or Any experience with these? How do you get your first 500 followers? Also any other ideas? AND Does the follow back model work i.e. you follow me and I follow you.... I would of thought healthy twitter accounts for more followers than people you are following.... Discuss... 🙂

    | JohnW-UK

  • I haven't spammed the engines, if anything I haven't done enough link building. So let me start here: I split my old domain into two separate domains - and . The main site now goes to Custom On It and each page directly 301 as it was relevant. I knew there was going to be a little blow back... The first month went fairly well but last week we noticed a dip in organic search traffic and sure enough some of our main keywords are now suffering. I am wondering if this is because we haven't been building enough links to the new domains or if our new eCommerce CMS (magento enterprise) has technical SEO issues that is giving Google trouble. Nothing on GWT looks terribly wrong, should i be searching for something specific? Anything helps at this point, we are in dire need of some direction on what could be wrong. Any suggestions?

    | Hyrule

  • Generally speaking self hosting of video is good for SEO.  But if a client has a weekly/daily webshow that they will be launching (from scratch), how should we handle the hosting? Is onsite still better? Should we use Youtube to start and gain traction and than swtich once we have built viewership or Should we use self hosted video and than post it to Youtube at a later date?

    | greenergrassmarketing

  • I'm looking to do a bit of #RCS so I thought we would sponsor an animal from the Woodstock Farm and Animal Sanctuary, which is less than a mile down the road from our business. Here's the sponsorship page. I figure we can post pictures of the animal, blog about it's story and what it's up to that month, and people will find it interesting. The real meat of this will be getting more 'likes' perhaps, or more social shares, maybe? I'm not exactly sure what to do here. Should we do something like: the person who shares/tweets our story the most will get an animal sponsorship in his /her name? Or for every new 250 likes we'll sponsor one additional animal? If we can get to 1000 Facebook likes we'll do "The Sanctuary Seven" where we'll sponsor one of each animal? (you can see that info on the page as well). I just don't feel inspired in the area of how to best implement this. Any ideas? We do already have 516 Facebook likes:
    Our Website: I'm excited to hear from all the marketing geniuses I know are members here!

    | UnderRugSwept

  • Are sites such as Marketwire, PRWeb, PRnewswire, BusinessWire, e-Releases and PitchEngine good for editorial back links? Also, if I have a press release on PRWeb, for example, can I have the EXACT same one on Martketwire, etc or do I need to worry about duplicate content?

    | tutugirl

  • 1) What anchor text should be used? For instance, German Shepherd figurines from "domain name" ? Should the link go the the home page of the "domain name: or the page about German Shepherds? Should the clickable link be German Shepherd figurines or the "domain name" home page ? 4)should the clickable link be the "domain name" page name leading to the German Shepherd page? Thanks Mike

    | TeamLogo

  • Hi, With the recent Google updates we're thinking that unique content is more important than ever in order to gain high quality, natural links from genuine users. As such we're thinking that our blog ( might be more important than ever.  Don't be put off by the lack of Page Authority or Google Page Rank; we've only just moved to this address from the subdomain The content is certainly rather niche; an article like will be helpful to thousands of users who own this particular range of printer but it's debatable as to whether it is sufficiently mainstream to be openly shared and linked to. We ping to sites such as Technorati, produce videos to accompany much of the content ( for example) and provide easy sharing buttons.  I do however think that we could be doing more to actively ‘push’ this content on to potential customers. I'm not naive enough to think that niche articles like this will be enough to get hundreds of links and tens of thousands of reads but printer news, reviews and support is pretty much the only thing we can write about while being relevant to our core business.  I would however like to get the best exposure that we can for these articles which is why I’m asking for your advice today. I would really appreciate any ideas you may have as to how else we could gain the best value from these unique articles and videos.  I apologise for this being such an open ended question but any and all advice on how to maximise this resource would be appreciated. Many thanks!

    | ChrisHolgate

  • Hey Mozers - We recently distributed a media release and it has been picked up by 20+ news outlets and counting. My question: Should I publish this media release on my news/blog page? Or is it better to just bask in the incoming links? What are the benefits and drawback to each? Thanks in advance!

    | LoganYard

  • Most roadmap imagery is available from zoom levels 0 to 18, for example. With zoom level 0 the whole world can be visible. As we all know, the more we zoom in on Google Maps, the more spots (e.g. name of restaurants, hotels etc.) are visible. Some spots are visible "sooner" - with a lower zoom level, which is of course better for the company. Some companies are only visible with a very high zoom level. If I have a highly branded company is the zoom level lower? Is this the answer for the different display?

    | petrakraft

  • Hi All, We've registered our domain with they will not all us to buy .ca unless we reside in canada, same fro uk.  Has anyone run into this problem? I wouldnt want someone to snatch it up and use it to their advantage.

    | TP_Marketing

  • Hey guys, Could someone please tell me how the SEOMoz team were able to add a graphic on their Twitter profile ( underneath their followers? It's the graphic of the plane flying. When I go to the Twitter settings, I only seem to find how to change the background of the profile, nothing in regards to adding a graphic on that spot. Thanks!

    | Michael-Goode

  • Working with an idea for link building... The company I work for is offering help to charities and fundraisers within the UK. Looking at Twitter to connect with movers and shakers but has anyone got any specific advice / experience to offer? Justin

    | GrouchyKids

  • Our company has a few different brands, each with their own domain and site. These are not microsites intended to drive traffic to a main site; they all have independent e-commerce functions, full product lines, etc. Imagine we run Plumbing Widgets Inc, Kitchen Remodeling Company, and Springfield Countertops. It's not immediately obvious to surfers that one parent company operates all of these brands, and we're fine with that. Considering that it enables us to own a lot of SERP real estate for some money KWs, we're more than fine with it. We'd like to create a blog for each of these sites/brands. Here's where it gets tricky. After doing some reading, I am persuaded that using rel=author will help us with SERP CTR and possibly rankings themselves. I am going to be writing all of the blog content, at least to start. I don't think I want to rel=author myself on all of these discrete blogs, do I? And surface the fact that one person is the head writer for the blogs of all these brands? Creating blogging pseudonyms doesn't seem like a good idea, since part of the value of rel=author is genuine social engagement, and creating social personas that seem genuine is probably more trouble than it's worth. (Not to mention icky and dishonest.) Should I choose a customer service rep or manager for each brand and use their names and social identities (with their permission, obviously)? It seems like that would involve challenges of its own. I've ghostwritten for one business owner before, but this is on a larger, more complex scale. Any insights are appreciated!

    | CMC-SD

  • Does anyone know the best size for images that are uploaded to FB timeline? For instance if I make a meme, the worlds seem to always get cut off when they show up on people's timelines, or view them for their phone. Any thoughts on this? At first I thought square worked best (and looks like it does if you visit the actual page) but for people viewing on their phones or their own timeline (maybe?) it looks like they are seeing a 4:3 image. Is the image size that people see not universal? Thanks!

    | NoahsDad

  • Hello, A client of mine really wants an infographic or a visual for viral marketing. Our site: nlpca(dot)com The subject is "What is NLP?". This page has the best NLP definition - we can use the content with permission: Would this work as an infographic? Can you give me suggestions (this is my first infographic. I've been doing web design for about 15 years and SEO for 8 years) How could I make this thing really popular in our niche "NLP"? Thank you.

    | BobGW

  • Just starting to use twitter and can see its potential but I have a personal account, one my holiday letting business and one for my CCTV installation business. Obviously the problem is I have to login to each account separately and post relevant tweets. I like the idea that people following because they're interested in the subject but the downside obviously is that I have to split my time and my total followers across three accounts. What do you do with your twitter presence focus on one account or have separate accounts?

    | whitbycottages

  • Hi all, I would really appreciate some feedback on a site i have developed for a client. To give you a little background, we sell cheese and other associated products online. The site has been online for about a year or so but SEO only really implemented in the last few months. The site visitors are low at the moment which is leading to low sales of course 🙂 I would love some feedback on the areas listed below. My goal is to improve visitor numbers, visibility of the site and sales. Not much then... 😉 • Site design
    • Usability
    • On-page SEO
    • Off-page SEO
    • Any other feedback / advice you would be kind enough to offer The site address is: Thanks in advance, i look forward to reading your responses! 🙂 Chris.

    | ChrisAntoniou

  • Anybody used this?  There is a express inclusion that you pay for, vs the free.  Wanted to see what the group thinks.  Worth it, not?   It is not included in the SEOMoz list of directories.

    | CleverPhD

  • Hi, I sell Gift Baskets for children and the best customers are Moms. Is it a good idea to participate in review / giveaway mom bloggers? The way it works I give the blogger a product to review. They write their true experience with the Gift Basket and they link to my site Then we do a few product giveaway to moms / (bloggers subscriber) once a month. Then moms will review the winning products. To participate in drawing moms will visit my site, follow my tweeter. Like or dislike me on Facebook……. For each action they do they will get one extra chance on drawing. In here I will get few links to different page of the site. Are these links are good links?  I am not paying cash to buy the link. But I give them product to review and they get to keep it. Simply Sassy Media at is a good example. they manage and connect me to a lot of the blogger sites.

    | giftbasket4kids

  • Do you guys use any social bookmarking services to help promote your website? Any of them worth using?

    | TinaGammon

  • I submitted my  site to DMOZ 5 years ago. It has yet to be approved. Is there any use in trying to submit to this site. I have an established e-commerce site that has thousands of pages indexed. Anyone have any useful info?

    | inhouseseo

  • Hello, I am looking to get into the benefits of link-building through using info-graphics, and I wondered if anyone knew of a good info-graphic distribution service. I know there has surely got to be a service out there like Prnewswire or PrWeb, only “designed for info graphics” instead of press releases.  However, as of yet I have not been able to find anything.  I am aware that there are info graphic directories out there and forums like myblogguest that allow you to post info graphics, and of course pinterest type sites. However, I have not found a dedicated info graphic syndication service yet.  Does anyone know of a good one?  Or perhaps just have other good advice with their success of marketing info-graphics?

    | MyNet

  • Hello, In several post and also in the webinar "all about google places" it is recomended to use Microformats to format the things like "Business Name", Adress, Phone , etc Apart from using ths microformats on the product/corporate page footer and contact form, would you recomend to also use microformats on blog and 3rd party website when mentioning the corporate contact details in order to increase the citation value ?

    | stereo69

  • We have a keyword domain name that we'd like to show up in Google stores or brand suggestion. We used this exact keyword domain name for years to sell our products but now want to take it one step further and have the domain name show up in Google suggested brands or stores. We just filed for a TradeMark in the URL (they have about 57,000 domain names with active trademarks in their database). How do we get Google to recognize this domain name as either a brand or a store? Has anybody seen an example of a store or brand with a .com or .net in Google brands or Google stores? It may be that don't even allow URLs to show. Thanks

    | mozworks

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